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The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story

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Interesting photo.

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# Repost @jwanyosef

Owning this reenactment colors#ACSVersace http://ift.tt/2v7YCmB

July 29, 2017

via dcriss-archive



At first I thought that was some sort of composition test photo for the EW cover, but it looks more like they were just hanging out and recreated the picture? Maybe they had to work yesterday and hung out afterwards, I saw another casting call for Italians for today (Sunday).



It does look like they were recreating that EW photo.  Thanks for the info about the casting calls, Lin.  :happy face

It looks like Darren is entertaining the Versace folks.  I like the caption.  It does seem wherever Darren goes, music follows.   heart   Not sure who is heard laughing and who is sitting next to him. 

Wherever there is Darren Criss, there is music!
Vid via (jwanyosef) IG story

via Darren Criss Army
(July 29, 2017)




penelopecruzoficial: @darrencriss You are so talented, my friend Cool Pedazo de talentazo!

miamibeach - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 6 Tumblr_inline_ou1d19Uml01qe3h8a_500

August 1, 2017

via  dcriss-archive




Darren Criss on American Crime Story and Third Annual Elsie Fest | Elvis Duran Show 8/3/17

(Source: youtube.com)

via Darren Criss Army

Darren speaks about Versace in this interview with Elvis Duran.  I think this is a very difficult issue for Darren to discuss, as he promotes Versace.   (It's much easier for the other cast members to discuss, given who they are portraying, versus who Darren is portraying.)   I would avoid the word "fun" (as when talking about real murders and other dark issues.  Also-is it "spree killing," or "killing spree"?)  And I'm trying to follow Darren's advice, trying to keep an open mind when the time comes for me to watch Darren portray Andrew Cunanan, when I get the chance to follow Andrew's life via Darren's acting and via the story written by the show's writers.  But yet, I personally find it hard to accept Darren's assertion that I have more in common with someone like Andrew than not.  It doesn't seem convincing an argument, in my opinion, to say the differences (between Andrew and myself) are big, but "small in number." That numerical differences are small really seems like such a "non-issue," so unimportant when you look at  someone who has taken the lives of others.   It doesn't sit well with me to hear that I have more in common (than not) with someone who has done such things. 

I get what Darren is trying to do, but I just find the part where he talks about the amount of commonalities--and the "small degree" of differences--when comparing myself to the adult Andrew Cunanan, to be rather unconvincing. 

I do feel that what he said about how viewers will be exercising their capacity for empathy, will be challenging themselves in their ability to sympathize with Andrew Cunanan, to be well-said.  I have the philosophy that one must try to exercise compassion, even in difficult cases, even with people who elicit complex and contradictory responses from myself and others.   And I try to place myself in others' shoes, and examine how onerous experiences have shaped an innocent child into adulthood.  So I can accept what Darren is saying about as a viewer, exercising and challenging my ability to sympathize with this man, Andrew Cunanan, as we see him develop and change from a young person to adulthood.

It's harder for me, however, to acknowledge my kinship, my commonalities, with the adult Andrew, given the end result of his actions, because the differences in character choices seem overwhelming to me.  It's one thing to try to  sympathize with  Andrew Cunanan, because of all the harsh  circumstances he struggled with as a young person.  It's another thing to try to see a kind of kinship between myself and the adult Andrew Cunanan.  That seems like it's asking too much of the audience.  I'm probably not explaining myself well. 

I also like the part where Darren stated there will be an attempt to get the audience to ask themselves at what point could this have been me?  That seems much more fair, because then the emphasis is not on asking me to see how similar I am to the adult Cunanan, but instead the emphasis is asking me to see what what similarities I had with the young Cunanan  in his formative years.

Last edited by Poppy on Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total



I do love what a wonderful opportunity this role of playing Andrew Cunanan is for Darren!  Very excited for him!  Thank you, Ryan Murphy, for your faith in, and support of, Darren! :love  

In the Elvis Duran interview (see YouTube video above), Darren said this (which I love): heart heart heart

Darren Criss wrote:
This is the most exciting thing I've ever gotten to do in my life . . . I've worked my entire life for this moment.

Aw.  heart heart heart

dcriss-archive also seemed to be taken with what Darren said in the Elvis Duran interview:
This is the most exciting thing I’ve ever got to do in my life

Darren on working on ACS Versace [x]
via dcriss-archive

From Darren Criss Army:

Darren discusses Versace at Point 5:18 in this Broadway.com interview.  Paul Wontorek is so sweet.  Paul said he was so excited for Darren that Darren was being given this opportunity to do something so different.

The Broadway.com Show - 8/4/17: HARRY POTTER, WICKED, DARREN CRISS & More

(Source: youtube.com)

In this Broadway.com interview, Darren said:

Darren Criss wrote:
This is the most exhilarating and exciting thing that I've ever gotten to do in my entire career, of my very short career.  I've waited my whole life for this moment.  This to me is like, oh wow, this is like my big break.

Again, awwww.   heart heart heart

From dcriss-archive:

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Darren and the cast of American Crime Story Versace on the Italian magazine Chi | X|X

The two tweets that referenced the Italian magazine: 



This is a very interesting interview of Darren, regarding Andrew Cunanan. 

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Track: Darren Criss on Seth Speaks with Seth Rudetsky (August 2017)

Darren Criss on Seth Speaks with Seth Rudetsky on Sirius XM

via dcriss-archive

I agree with some of what Darren said, and I disagree with some of what he said.  (I still do not agree that it is a convincing statement to say that we have more in common with Cunanan than not--but I can respect that Darren feels that way.)   I think a primary issue that Darren will have to grapple with as he does promotional interviews, is that since Cunanan was a real person, not a fictional character, with real people as his victims, that it is going to require promotional interviews hold a certain level of sensitivity (that wouldn't be so much of an issue if the character who Darren is playing was simply fictional). 

Even though I disagree with some of what Darren stated, I respect his perspective.  As an actor who is portraying Andrew Cunanan, Darren is looking at the situation through the lens of an actor, which is understandable of course.    As he said, I can understand that "acting is an exercise in empathy."  And as Seth said, you have to sympathize with the character who you are playing.   It does sound like Andrew Cunanan is a complex person, as Darren stated, someone who didn't fall in the typical boxes one would expect.  Cunanan was very charismatic and he was popular, well-liked, and yes, loved by some, even many.  Darren said Cunanan was all kinds of things, in terms of possessing extremes.   I do believe that everyone does have a certain level of darkness (although fortunately, only in rare cases does the darkness rise to the level of murdering people), and that life experiences help shape the choices we all make.   I agree with Darren, that when we are looking at the story about an anti-hero, that story-telling can shift the viewer's perspective, can change who the viewer is rooting for and supporting, and can toy with the viewer's sense of what's right and what's wrong.  One example is Dexter, played by Michael C. Hall, a fictional serial killer (although the audience also was able to justify that Dexter killed only the "bad" guys).   My husband was a fan of that TV show.

Some pics:
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   [UHQ] Darren Criss on the set of ‘Versace: American Crime Story’ on August, 3rd, in Los Angeles.

via dcriss-archive

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   [UHQ] Darren Criss on the set of ‘Versace: American Crime Story’ on August, 3rd, in Los Angeles.

via dcriss-archive


Advanced II
Advanced II

To be honest, I'm not disturbed by Darren's stance on Cunanan. I actually find fashion in the 90's way more confusing :amused



haha!  Jeremy, thanks for making me laugh.  :amused


From dcriss-archive:

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Darren Criss, Ricky Martin and Edgar Ramirez will attend the American Crime Story TCA Event tomorrow | Source

I think "TCA" stands for the Television Critics Association.




Okaaaaay.  Will you share, Joanna (she is a writer with Vanity Fair)?

From dcriss-archive:

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Advanced II
Advanced II

Poppy wrote:Will you share, Joanna ?

She says you're not ready for it.




Jeremy wrote:She says you're not ready for it.

haha!  But she's so wrong.  I AM ready!   But I'm late to the party, so much info that is sooo positive!  Am so happy to hear the positive press.  :happy face  applause 

Television Critics Association American Crime Story:  Versace (August 9, 2017)

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    The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story - TCA Tweets Masterpost [Part 2]
via dcriss-archive

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via dailydcrissnews

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August 9, 2017
via darrencrissource

Jim Colucci's tweet (5th tweet from the top), where he said the scene they saw previewed was "fabulous and gripping."  :happy face

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      The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story - TCA Tweets Masterpost [Part 2]

via dcriss-archive

Jessica's tweet (3rd from the top):  Darren "is so stellar.  This performance is chilling.  #TCA17."
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The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story - TCA Tweets Masterpost [Part 1]

via dcriss-archive

"Meanwhile, serial killer Andrew Cunanan (played by Darren Criss) sits on the beach with a book featuring Versace on the cover, as he pulls a gun out of his backpack. Struggling with some internal conflict, Cunanan walks into the surf and screams at the sky."

— FX Reveals ‘American Crime Story: Versace’ Opening Scene, Ryan Murphy Dishes on Show’s 'Political Overtones’
via dailydcrissnews

We find out that the show airs in January 2018! Yea!
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August 9, 2017
via darrencrissource

From Dcriss-archive:

I am always so proud of Darren because he consistently treats people with an attention to showing respect of others, as he would like to be treated.  heart heart heart

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via dcriss-archive

@Hanhonymous's tweet (3rd from the top), about Darren thanking the press for coming out for TCA 2017.  :happy face
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      The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story - TCA Tweets Masterpost [Part 2]

So many articles/press coverage.  I will list some here and go back and quote them later. Via dcriss-archive and Darren Criss Army:










Last edited by Poppy on Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:50 pm; edited 2 times in total


Advanced II
Advanced II

Glad to read that Darren is in the opening scene.



Television Critics Association (TCA 2017).   American Crime Story:  Versace (August 9, 2017)

Yes, it was mentioned in some of the articles I read that in the opening montage, "just as heavily featured [as Edgar Ramirez's Versace] is Darren Criss' Andrew Cunanan . . . "  Source:  TV Guide

The writer mentions Darren's performance in the scene shown is more than "intriguing."  :happy face
TV Guide wrote:
The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story Will Tell the Story Backward

Aug. 9, 2017

Ryan Murphy is a master craftsman of anthology series, and his latest venture, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story appears to be following a great trend. The opening montage of the show was screened for critics at the Television Critics Association summer press tour, and besides being visually stunning, it's also intensely emotional.

"We're telling the story backwards," creator and executive producer Ryan Murphy reveals. "The first episode obviously deals with the literal murder or assassination itself, and then we tell the story in reverse. So we really get into how [Andrew Cunanan] (Darren Criss) had that motive and why he wanted to do what he wanted to do."

As you might have guessed, the opening montage pieces together the last morning of Gianni Versace's (Edgar Ramirez) life, from the moment he wakes up to the moment he's shot in cold blood on his own front steps. Just as heavily featured is Darren Criss' Andrew Cunanan in the hours leading up to the moment he pulls the trigger.

While the series will no doubt focus heavily on Versace and his life, Cunanan's homophobic motives and the killing spree that followed will also be a key component of the story.

"Versace had given an interview with his lover and had chosen to live openly as a gay man and that was part of the reason why he was targeted and killed," executive producer Brad Simpson says. "Andrew Cunanan was a serial killer, who killed other gay men."

Before you jump to conclusions about Cunanan's depiction, however, we should mention Criss revealed that a large part of this character is seeing the good and the bad, since hating him through the entire series would not be a very interesting hook. We'll see him at his best and at his worst, which always creates a more compelling villain.

The why of the murder is intriguing enough (and if Criss' performance in the first few minutes is any indication, intriguing might be an understatement), but perhaps more intriguing is the message about American homophobia in the '90s that will into the depiction of this murder.

"More than why he was killed was why it was allowed to happen," Ryan Murphy says. "The idea was Versace, who was the last victim, really did not have to die... One of the reasons Andrew Cunanan was able to make his way across the country and pick off these victims, many of whom were gay, was because of homophobia at the time. Homophobia particularly in the various police organizations that refused -- in Miami -- to put up wanted posters even though they knew that Andrew Cunanan had probably committed many of these murders and was probably headed that way, all of which we deal with in the show."

In the same avenue that The People v. O.J. Simpson dealt with racial issues in Los Angeles at the time, it appears The Assassination of Gianni Versace will hone in on LGBT issues of the '90s, providing more than a few ripe opportunities for story.

The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story is set to premiere January 2018 on FX.

Link:  http://www.tvguide.com/news/the-assassination-of-gianni-versace-american-crime-story-opening-montage-murder/

HarpersBazaar wrote:
Darren Criss Talks Getting Inside The Mind of Gianni Versace's Killer

August 10, 2017

The opening nine minutes
were shown to reporters at the TCA Press Tour this week, and they are ravishing, exhilarating and deeply stressful, devoting equal time to establishing Gianni Versace (Edgar Ramirez), larger-than-life and seemingly untouchable, and the man who is about to kill him, Andrew Cunanan (Darren Criss), shaky and clearly unhinged.

[. . . ]

“Andrew was so many different personalities to so many different people,” Criss told BAZAAR.com, referring to multiple conversation he’s had with people who knew Cunanan. “For me, that makes things a bit easier—we see him at his best, we see him at his worst, we see him at his most charming, we see him at his most hurt. It's been one of the most exhilarating characters that I've spent time with because he is so all over the place, and he's capable of truly great things. My goal is to have people exercise their sense of empathy, because from the get-go we all know that he's capable of something truly horrendous… it’s been a wonderful challenge to find as much humanity as possible.”

The book Vulgar Favors: Andrew Cunanan, Gianni Versace, and the Largest Failed Manhunt in U.S. History, by Vanity Fair writer Maureen Orth, is the source material for the season. Very little is known about Cunanan beyond what Orth pieced together, but Smith teases out a parallel between Versace and his killer. “We were talking earlier about the similarities between somebody like Gianni and someone like Andrew,” Criss continued. “On paper, you go, that’s insane, you can’t possibly compare the two, and obviously they’re very, very different men. But we try to find common denominators between these two men who had different levels of brilliance that were guided in very, very different ways.”

Per Smith, Cunanan’s story is “much closer to a story of radicalization than a typical serial killer.” Prior to his killing spree in 1997, Cunanan had no criminal record of any kind; instead, “go back a year and he's in a million dollar condo in La Jolla talking about politics or art, and really charming people. How do you get that person in that condo to a person who can brutally kill someone with a hammer?” The series opens with the event we all know about—Versace’s murder on the steps of his Miami home—and then, over the course of ten episodes, deconstructs that event and its backstory through the parallel tangents of victim and killer.

“You’re looking not at someone who is inherently monstrous,” Smith concluded, “but someone who has similarities to Versace from the outset, and the reasons why his footsteps go in one direction and Versace goes in a completely different direction.”

The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story will air in January 2018.
Link:  http://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/film-tv/a11664541/american-crime-story-season-2-versace-darren-criss/?src=socialflowTW


Last edited by Poppy on Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:55 pm; edited 1 time in total



NewNowNext wrote:
"The Assassination of Gianni Versace; American Crime Story" Will Detail American Homophobia in The '90s

August 10, 2017

“Nobody’s really, sort of, traced the Andrew Cunanan of it all that I think Darren does so brilliantly,” Murphy said. “The pain that he brings to that, and why and answer why did he do it. Was he a madman or was he a victim of the times? And I think the answer is, sort of, both. And both things we examine in the show.”

Criss met with dozens of people who knew Cunanan at different points in his life, all of whom describe him very differently.

“There’s a lot left a lot of blanks to fill in, which has been a very interesting ride,” he explained. “Andrew was so many different personalities to so many different people,” he added. “That makes things a bit easier because we’re not just following what we would assume to be a murderous, horrible person all the time. We see him at his best; we see him at his worst; we see him at his most charming; we see him at his most hurt.”

Screenwriter Tom Rob Smith penned all 10 episodes, largely based on Maureen Orth’s 2000 true crime book Vulgar Favors. He said he wanted to connect any similarities Cunanan and Versace had, like their interest in living large. But of course, Versace’s career provided for him in a way that was out of Cunanan’s grasp.

[. . . ]

Smith said it was important for him to present Cunanan “not just someone who is intrinsically monstrous, but who, has similarities to Versace from the outset” and explore “why his footsteps go in one direction and Versace’s go in a completely different direction.”

But don’t expect the series to be a pity party for Versace’s killer.

“It’s about the choices you make,” said Smith. “We’re tracking those choices and seeing how society impacted them, and how he chose various things and the people around him. You’re taking a murder that we all know… and you’re taking it apart and going back to the very nuts and bolts [of it.]”

For Murphy and the other producers, The Assassination of Gianni Versace is a larger story than just a celebrity murder. It’s about being out of the closet in 1990s America.

“I think it’s more than why [Versace] was killed. It was sort of why it was allowed to happen,” Murphy said. “I think the thing about American Crime Story is that we’re not just doing a crime. We’re trying to sort of talk about a crime within a social idea. Versace, who was the last victim, really did not have to die. Part of the thing that we talk about in the show is one of the reasons Andrew Cunanan was able to make his way across the country and pick off these victims, many of whom were gay, was because of the homophobia at the time.”

He recalled how police in Miami refused to put up wanted posters for Cunanan even though they knew Cunanan was a major suspect and likely headed toward the city. “I thought that that was a really interesting thing to examine,” Murphy added, “particularly with the president we have now and the world that we live in.”
Link:  http://www.newnownext.com/versace-american-crime-story-tca-homophobia/08/2017/

From Gleekto:
The Hollywood Reporter wrote:
Ryan Murphy Teases, John Landgraf Presentation Among Press Tour Highlights (and Lowlights) From Day 16

August 10, 2017

Crime panel pays
The last panel of the summer 2017 TCA press tour was for a show that won't premiere until early 2018, but the session for The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story did its job. It took me from disappointed that Murphy and company had postponed a Hurricane Katrina installment to concentrate on something seemingly more sensationalistic to curious at the People v. O.J. Simpson follow-up's approach. "[W]e’re not just doing sort of a crime," Murphy explained. "We’re trying to sort of talk about a crime within a social idea. And this was always interesting to us because the idea was I think that Versace, who was [serial killer Andrew Cunanan's] last victim, you know, really did not have to die. Part of the thing that we talk about in the show is one of the reasons Andrew Cunanan was able to make his way across the country and pick off these victims, many of whom were gay, was because of homophobia at the time. Homophobia, particularly within the various police organizations that refused in Miami to put up “wanted” posters, even though they knew that Andrew Cunanan had probably committed many of these murders and was probably headed that way, all of which we deal with in the show. So I thought that that was a really interesting thing to examine, to look at again, particularly with the president we have and the world that we live in." Over the course of the panel, Murphy and his team did a good job of noting how Gianni Versace would be more expansive than the anthology's first installment in terms of both geography and possibly visual flourishes, while the opening scene showed for reporters was tense and opulent and intriguing. Before, I was skeptical. Now I'm curious. Mission accomplished.   [Our full The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story panel coverage.]
Link:  http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/fien-print/tca-highlights-american-horror-story-trump-john-landgraf-1028428

Last edited by Poppy on Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:56 pm; edited 1 time in total



 Television Critics Association (TCA 2017).   American Crime Story:  Versace (August 9, 2017)

Some articles I didn't have time to post earlier:

From dcriss-archive and Darren Criss Army:

Variety wrote:

'The Assassination of Gianni Versace' to Start with Murder, Tell Story 'Backwards'

August 9, 2017

“We’re telling the story backwards. The first episode deals with the literal murder, or assassination itself, and then we get into how he had that motive and why he wanted to do what he wanted to do,” Murphy says, noting the show will not only focus on the opulent life of Versace himself, but also of the man who took his life, the seemingly destitute but still obsessed with wealth Andrew Cunanan (Darren Criss).

“It’s more than why he was killed. It’s why it was allowed to happen,” Murphy says. “We’re not just doing a crime. We’re trying to talk about a crime within a social idea. I think the word assassination has a political overtone, and it denotes somebody taking the life of somebody to make a point, and that’s exactly what Andrew Cunanan did.”

[. . . ]

“The ‘why’ of Cunanan is not something others have explored, but we’re very interested in examining [it].”
To that end, the show is designed as a two-hander for Ramirez and Criss in many ways, showing their similarities (both exhibit elements of brilliance and were capable of great things, but both obviously went in very different directions), as well as showing sides to them about which many did not know.

Link:  http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/american-crime-story-versace-ryan-murphy-spoilers-1202521662/

USA Today wrote:
Ryan Murphy on Why FX's Gianni Versace 'Crime Story' is important to him.

August 10, 2017

The series opens with a nearly wordless, operatic eight-minute sequence detailing the moments leading to the murder of the fashion designer, who was open about being gay at a time when many prominent gay people weren't. The scene, shown Wednesday to the Television Critics Association, , features lush cinematography and orchestral music and was shot partly in Versace's beautifully appointed home.

The new season, which uses Maureen Orth's book, Vulgar Favors, as its source material, will look backward from the murder to examine the men's lives. It also will will go beyond the crime itself to examine prevailing social attitudes, including homophobia, executive producer Ryan Murphy said.
Link:  https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2017/08/10/american-crime-story-track-lives-gianni-versace-his-killer/554872001/

Last edited by Poppy on Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:58 pm; edited 1 time in total



Television Critics Association (TCA 2017).   American Crime Story:  Versace (August 9, 2017)

From dcriss-archive:

HarpersBazaar wrote:
The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story: Everything We Know So Far

August 15, 2017

At the risk of hyperbole, we are here to tell you what the hottest new show of 2018 will be. Just as The People vs. O.J. Simpson gripped audiences, critics, and awards bodies alike with its smart, vivid take on the O.J. trial, the second season of Ryan Murphy's American Crime Story anthology series is shaping up to be a ravishing, instantly-addictive blend of high fashion and true crime. Based on the book Vulgar Favors by Vanity Fair writer Maureen Orth, the show chronicles the events surrounding the murder of designer Gianni Versace, who was shot dead on the steps of his Miami Beach home in 1997.

The show's producers appeared alongside cast members Edgar Ramirez, Ricky Martin, and Darren Criss—who play Versace, his partner, and his killer, respectively—to take reporters' questions at the TCA Press Tour. Here, 11 things you need to know about The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story.

[. . .]

2) The story is told in reverse.

The ravishing, terrifying opening minutes of Episode 1 follows Versace and Cunanan over the course of a couple of hours leading up to the murder, which happens very swiftly. “The first episode deals with the literal murder,” Murphy said, “and then we tell the story in reverse, we get into [Cunanan’s motive], and why he wanted to do this.” The word assassination is chosen very deliberately in the title: “I think the word has a political overtone, and it denotes somebody who is taking the life of somebody else to make a point. That’s exactly what Cunanan was trying to do, and that’s explored in the show.”

[. . . ]

5) The show will draw some unexpected parallels between Versace and Cunanan.

Though everyone at the panel hastened to emphasize their clear differences—one, a celebrated genius who left behind a beautiful artistic legacy, the other a serial killer—the show will tease out similarities between Versace and his murderer. “Cunanan was from relative poverty, but Versace was, too,” said Murphy. “They had lots of similarities, and one went on to become this amazing life force, and one became the opposite, this destructive force. How these two lives collided is essentially the story we're telling.”

Series writer Tom Rob Smith (London Spy) added that Cunanan is an atypical serial killer. “Technically he went on a spree, but if you go back a year from the first crime of most serial killers, they're committing crimes of one description or another: assaults, arson, there are these signals. With Andrew Cunanan, you go back a year and he's in a million‑dollar condo in La Jolla talking about politics or art, and charming people. How do you get that person in that condo to someone who can attack someone with a hammer and brutally kill them?” Cunanan’s story is “closer to one of radicalization than it is a typical serial killer."

[. . . ]

8) Criss worked to bring some humanity to Cunanan.

And that’s clear from the opening ten minutes alone, which depict Cunanan in some severe psychological distress shortly before killing Versace. “Andrew was so many different personalities to so many different people,” Criss told BAZAAR.com, referring to multiple conversation he’s had with people who knew Cunanan. “For me, that makes things a bit easier—we see him at his best, we see him at his worst, we see him at his most charming, we see him at his most hurt. It’s been one of the most exhilarating characters that I’ve spent time with because he is so all over the place, and he’s capable of truly great things. My goal is to have people exercise their sense of empathy, because from the get-go we all know that he’s capable of something truly horrendous… it’s been a wonderful challenge to find as much humanity as possible.” Murphy added that the show explores whether Cunanan was “a mad man, or a victim of the times. I think the answer is, sort of, both.”

Link:  http://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/film-tv/a11923089/american-crime-story-2-assassination-gianni-versace-date-cast/

Last edited by Poppy on Sat Aug 19, 2017 7:00 pm; edited 1 time in total


Advanced II
Advanced II

Poppy, did you read that ? "Terrifying opening minutes" :amused



Jeremy wrote:Poppy, did you read that ? "Terrifying opening minutes" miamibeach - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 6 3295213406

Don't remind me, Jeremy!   too scary 

The things I do for Darren!  scared 

Television Critics Association (TCA 2017).   American Crime Story:  Versace (August 9, 2017)

From Dcriss-archive:

This is good news for Darren's U.K. fans.  :happy face

Variety wrote:
BBC Acquires 'The Assassination of Gianni Versace' for the U.K.

August 17, 2017

The BBC has acquired FX’s anthology series “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” for the U.K. The second season of “American Crime Story” will air on BBC Two in 2018.
Link:  http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/bbc-acquires-assassination-of-gianni-versace-1202530924/

miamibeach - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 6 Tumblr_oujuyosyw01qkrnhgo1_1280


   Kayla Cobb is a writer/producer for decider/NYPost

miamibeach - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 6 Tumblr_oujjwuHV5W1wpi2k2o1_540

miamibeach - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 6 Tumblr_oujjwuHV5W1wpi2k2o2_400
From ‘The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story’ TV show panel, TCA Summer Press Tour (August 9th, 2017) | X | X

via dcriss-archive



From dcriss-archive:

Gay Times wrote:
Here's where you can watch American Crime Story: Versace in the UK

August 18, 2017

Season two of American Crime Story has found a home in the UK.

The Assassination of Gianni Versace, which will tell the true story of the death of legendary fashion designer Gianni who was murdered by Andrew Cunanan on the steps of his home in 1997, will air on BBC Two next year.

Much like it’s spooky counterpart American Horror Story, the show tells a different story with different characters each season – last year’s critically acclaimed debut took on the OJ Simpson murder trial, which is available on Netflix UK.

Edgar Ramirez will play Gianni in the show, and former Glee star Darren Criss will play Andrew. Elsewhere, Ricky Martin will play Gianni’s lover Antonio D’Amico, while Penélope Cruz will take on fashion giant Donatella Versace.

Part of the show has been filmed at the Miami beach mansion Villa Casa Casuarina, where Gianni lived and was killed.

If that all-star cast isn’t enough for you to get excited, perhaps the fact that Ricky filmed his first ever on-screen sex scene for the show might do the trick.

“The exhibitionism kicked in for a moment and all of a sudden I was naked in bed in front of 20 people from the crew and another actor I met that same day,” he said of the scenes. “I was ready to do what needed to be done.”

We have a feeling we’ll be seeing plenty of Darren, too, if this naked selfie he shared during filming is anything to go by…

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