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The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story

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Looks lik Edgar Ramirez and Darren are getting along.  :happy face

Darren and Edgar Ramirez via Edgar’s Instagram Story (Instagram.com/edgarramirez25) 4/28/17

via Darren Criss Army


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I think Darren already made a reference to this song in an interview.

Btw, it's a song from 1997, the year of Versace's death!



Jeremy wrote:I think Darren already made a reference to this song in an interview.

Btw, it's a song from 1997, the year of Versace's death!

Oh wow.  Hmmm.   Coincidence?    What song is it, Jeremy?  And you have a great memory (which I've commented about before)!

Some pics of Darren on the Versace set.   I'll post a few.  To see more pics, go to:  darrenkey (thank you, Alex!).

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  [UHQ] Darren Criss with Nico Evers-Swindell and Annaleigh Ashford on the set of American Crime Story. April 28th, 2017.

via dailydarrennews

And a few more.  To see more pics, again, go to Alex's blog:  darrenkey.

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   [UHQ] Darren Criss with Nico Evers-Swindell and Annaleigh Ashford on the set of American Crime Story. April 28th, 2017.
via darrencrissisawesome


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producers - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 3 0606miami

Maybe they sang that because the song will be used for some scene :happy face



Jeremy wrote:
Maybe they sang that because the song will be used for some scene producers - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 3 3308115737

Maybe you're right!  I was wondering that too.  Thanks for the answer about the name of the song, Jeremy.  :happy face



Press coverage with pics from Just Jared about Darren filming Versace.

Just Jared wrote:
Darren Criss Gets into Character Filming 'Versace' iin Miami

May 2, 2017

Darren Criss as he films a scene for the upcoming season of Versace: American Crime Story on Tuesday (May 2) in Miami, Florida.

The 30-year-old former Glee star is playing the role of Andrew Cunanan, the serial murderer killed fashion designer Gianni Versace on the steps of his Miami Beach home back in 1997.

Late last month, Edgar Ramirez – who plays Versace – was spotted bloodied and beaten as he filmed in Los Angeles.
Penelope Cruz is set to play Gianni’s sister Donatella Versace in the upcoming season.

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Darren Criss Gets Into Character Filming ‘Versace’ in Miami

via Darren Criss Army

And a few more pics:

From dailydarrennews:

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More pics of Darren on the set of American Crime Story: Versace - May 2, 2017 | Source

May 03 2017

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@fyeahahs Darren Criss seen as Andrew Cunanan on the Miami set of ‘Versace: American Crime Story’. (May 2, 2017)



More pics on the Versace set.  Lol at the pic of him wearing the red cap while looking directly at the photographer.   Razz

I actually feel bad for him.  These photographers/paparazzi(?) must be distracting.

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[HQ] Darren as Andrew Cunanan on the set of American Crime Story: Versace - May 2, 2017 | 53 more HQ over at Darren-Criss.fr



More pics came out today.  Again, I have mixed feelings about posting these. I can imagine how not only distracting it is to have these photographers taking pics of Darren's every move while he is trying to focus, but also I wonder if he feels exposed too, especially since the photographers do not have the proper plot context for these pics.

I'll post one.  Have to think about the rest.

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Darren on the set of American Crime Story: Versace - May 4, 2017 | Source

May 04 2017

Signing off because I'm tired and it's late.  It's been a long day.


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It also happened during the shooting of Glee and he has done an amazing job though. Besides, it doesn't seem to me that ACS Versace will be a show with a lot of scenes in public spaces.



I remember during a Glee scene he asked fans to move from his field of vision because it feels like someone reading over your shoulder when you're trying to write an essay. So I hope the paps at least aren't too much of a visual distraction/annoyance.
I'm selfishly glad we're getting some BTS glimpses so we're not totally in the dark until whenever the show airs next year. But I understand your hesitance about the other pics from yesterday, Poppy, those were a bit much.

Ryan Murphy to the rescue with an alternative source of BTS pics.  :happy face  He just started an Instagram account and this was his first post. I hope he likes his shiny new toy and keeps posting stuff. His Twitter was so amazing/awful/hilarious/insane when he started using it in S4 of Glee.

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mrrpmurphy: Do The Hustle. @darrencriss and @maxgreenfield on the set of The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story

halls.simon This is beyond amazing
dominicmbarnes Looks awesome Ryan ❤️

(Simon Halls is Matt Bomer's husband and iirc Ryan's publicist, Dominic Barnes played Warbler Trent)

Last edited by Lin on Sat May 06, 2017 6:03 pm; edited 1 time in total



Max Greenfield is so unrecognizable that I didn't notice him in the background from the on location photos the other day:

producers - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 3 TasqJyB



Yes, Darren does an amazing job of ignoring these distractions while acting these outdoor scenes, but I imagine it must be difficult.  I don't know much about the murders that occurred, whether they happened indoors or out, but I'm glad to hear you say that hopefully there will not be a lot of scenes in public areas.  I'm hoping any other outdoor scenes  will not be as accessible to the public as the ones at the beach (and the front of the Versace house/current hotel?).

Lin wrote:I remember during a Glee scene he asked fans to move from his field of vision because it feels like someone reading over your shoulder when you're trying to write an essay. So I hope the paps at least aren't too much of a visual distraction/annoyance.

That incident when Darren was on on Glee was the one that I was thinking of, Lin.

And yes, I am grateful to see some of these pics because I am interested in the filming.  I just hope, like you said, Lin, that these paps are not so distracting to Darren while they are taking their photos.   I do have mixed feelings about the latest round of pics, especially with how one of the media articles with pics seemed to be taking these pics out of the context of the plot of Ryan's show, considering that the show involves murder victims and a serial killer.

Lin wrote:Ryan Murphy to the rescue with an alternative source of BTS pics.  producers - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 3 3308115737  He just started an Instagram account and this was his first post. I hope he likes his shiny new toy and keeps posting stuff. His Twitter was so amazing/awful/hilarious/insane when he started using it in S4 of Glee.

Thank you, Lin, for letting us know of your discovery of Ryan's Instagram account!  :happy face  haha!  His shiny new toy (just like Darren once was with Snapchat).   :amused  I didn't really follow anyone on Twitter during Glee, so I'll take your word for it, Lin, about Ryan's Twitter account.  Sounds like he was entertaining.   :big grin

So yea!  Thank you, Ryan, for giving us an alternative, non-invasive source of pics of the actors.   We appreciate it!  :bravo  How great for fans that he started an Instagram account.  I like the caption "Do The Hustle."  A reference to Cunanan's hustling for money.  I like the pic of Ryan's  Laguna bedroom .  Very stylish.  Scary AHS drawing.   :shocked  I  like that black and white profile pic of Ryan on his Instagram account. 

That pic that Ryan posted of Darren with Max Greenfield (who also looks so different!). . . Darren's facial expression, especially his eyes, just a facial expression that I haven't quite seen before on Darren's face. 

And thanks Lin, for posting Simon Halls and Dominic Barnes's comments.  (I remember Dominic on the Warblers.  I love the Warblers.  heart )  And thanks for explaining that Simon is Matt Bomer's hubbie and Ryan's publicist.  Didn't know that.  How interesting that he is also Ryan's publicist.  You are a wealth of info, Lin!  Thank you!   Wouldn't it be super weird if Matt was on the show too (given the Glee context of the Anderson brothers)?!

DaisiesAndLilies wrote:Max Greenfield is so unrecognizable that I didn't notice him in the background from the on location photos the other day:

Wow, you have sharp eyes, DaisiesAndLilies!   I didn't even connect that was Max, until you pointed it out.  Max does look so different!


Advanced II
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I don't know much about the murders either but, generally, murders don't happen in daytime in public areas with a lot of people.



DaisiesAndLilies wrote:Max Greenfield is so unrecognizable that I didn't notice him in the background from the on location photos the other day:
Nice catch! I was staring right at him in the shorts pics and did not recognise him without Ryan's post.

*Jeremy* wrote:I don't know much about the murders either but, generally, murders don't happen in daytime in public areas with a lot of people.
Other than Versace obviously, I think one of the other murders also took place outside/in a car, but not in such a public place. I wonder how much they're going to focus on all that.
But regardless, I do expect there to be some more outdoor scenes since they're filming in Miami for several weeks and could probably just do most indoor scenes in LA.

Poppy wrote:That pic that Ryan posted of Darren with Max Greenfield (who also looks so different!). . . Darren's facial expression, especially his eyes, just a facial expression that I haven't quite seen before on Darren's face.  
It's in part because of the new eyebrows, we've usually only seen them that flat when he was doing Sad Blaine. :laughing
But seriously, it's fascinating to see how he differently he holds his face when he's playing different characters.



Sadly, in the U.S., we do have murders done in public areas, in broad daylight.   I imagine in many countries, such things are more rare. 

Good point Lin, about since they are filming in Miami that there most likely will be more outdoor scenes (since indoor scenes may be done more easily in L.A.).  In terms of public places, I remembered Mario Lopez saying in one of the interviews with Darren and Chuck that Versace's house was not very secluded, was very accessible.  I don't know if I misunderstood what Mario said, but it sounds like Versace's house was almost right on the beach?

I am wondering how graphic the violence will be in the TV show.  I read one article about Cunanan's killing spree (hence, my wondering how graphically violent the show will be in terms of the murders).  

Lin wrote:
It's in part because of the new eyebrows, we've usually only seen them that flat when he was doing Sad Blaine. producers - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 3 1021284439
But seriously, it's fascinating to see how he differently he holds his face when he's playing different characters.
haha!  Man, he does look different without that little top point of his (previously) triangular eyebrows, doesn't he? :amused 

But yes, well said, Lin.  It is impressive how he holds his face differently when he's playing different characters.  I remember Stephen Trask said something similar.  I had to look for the quote.  Here it is:

Stephen Trask wrote:
Out Magazine Outtakes - Stephen Trask on Darren Criss

May 14, 2015

He’s all twinkified to be [in Glee], but when he’s not in the show he’s scruffy. He doesn’t even look like [Blaine]. When he plays the character he looks like Blaine, but in real life he has a different face! I don’t know how it happens. It’s much more strong jawed, dude kind of thing. . . I don’t know how he makes himself look pretty and then looks like he looks in real life, but that’s part of who he is as a performer. He actually looks like a different person in the character. His physical being changes.


Some more pics came out.

From dailydarrennews:

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Darren Criss on the set of American Crime Story on May 5th, 2017. More photos here.

May 6, 2017


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Nonetheless, an outdoor scene doesn't necessarily mean a scene in a public area with a lot of people. If you shoot a scene on the roof of a building, in a country club or a theme park, you can easily avoid the presence of "intruders".

And Darren can also change his voice for the different characters he has to play. Hedwig is an obvious example but there was also Blaine.



Jeremy wrote:Nonetheless, an outdoor scene doesn't necessarily mean a scene in a public area with a lot of people. If you shoot a scene on the roof of a building, in a country club or a theme park, you can easily avoid the presence of "intruders".

Yes, good point, Jeremy.  I agree.  :happy face

Fun video, Jeremy!  Thanks for posting.

In terms of Darren speaking as Cunanan, I'm guessing they don't really know Cunanan's voice or speech patterns.  I don't know if there are any videos (or audios) of him recorded.

Here's one of Darren as Darren, vs. Darren as Hedwig.  :amused 

   WSJSpeakeasy: HEDWIG on Broadway reads the The Wall Street Journal headlines!
May 11, 2015

via adorkabledarrencriss

Note:  Sadly, darrencriss-news has been deactivated.  :cry



I'm glad Darren has been given this opportunity to work with Ryan again, especially on such a respected show as American Crime Story.   But I think it's going to be hard too, for me to see Darren play such a dark role. 

I remember Ryan's interview where he talked about how the gay community felt so alone during this time, because the police didn't seem to make their investigation a priority, because law enforcement didn't care that people in the LGBTQ community were being targeted, and I believe the show is going to provide a lot of insight and will be amazing.  So overall, I'm grateful that Darren has been given this opportunity to grow as an actor.

Last edited by Poppy on Mon May 08, 2017 4:02 pm; edited 1 time in total



Poppy wrote:Good point Lin, about since they are filming in Miami that there most likely will be more outdoor scenes (since indoor scenes may be done more easily in L.A.).  In terms of public places, I remembered Mario Lopez saying in one of the interviews with Darren and Chuck that Versace's house was not very secluded, was very accessible.  I don't know if I misunderstood what Mario said, but it sounds like Versace's house was almost right on the beach?
Yeah, I looked it up on Google Maps out of curiosity, it really couldn't be any closer to the beach or more accessible.
producers - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 3 H9OvfNV
producers - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 3 A8Kmifi

I'm sure they are also filming quite a few scenes inside the house, apparently they paid a six-figure number to film there.
According to this article they're filming the actual murder tomorrow. I also saw a tweet about fake blood.

Some pictures of Edgar Ramirez and Ricky Martin on set today, Edgar really looks a lot like Versace:
Under a spoiler just because no Darren:



Thanks for the satellite pics of Versace's house, Lin.  It does look close to the beach. 

Thanks for the filming info too, Lin.  Edgar really does have a remarkable resemblance to Versace.  The article you linked to, Lin, mentions that they will be filming to May 18.  And as you speculated, the article mentions that "Though the show's exterior scenes will be shot in South Beach, producers have already begun filming interior scenes in California, apparently because of Florida's lack of incentives. (Some say we can blame the Koch brothers for that issue.)"

A few more articles:

Miami.com (via dailydarrennews, and which mentions that Darren and Mia joined friends at Ricky's South Beach for karaoke, where Darren sang Green Day's "Paranoid." )

ETCanada.com  via (DarrenCrissArmy)

A few more pics came out, and as Lin mentioned, they were filming the scene where Cunanan shoots Versace.

From dailydarrennews:

This looks like Darren during a break, having a conversation with a little squirrel.  Very cute!
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I'll put the rest of the pics in spoiler tags due to violence.

Last edited by Poppy on Wed May 10, 2017 4:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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