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The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story

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SAG Awards this Sunday!   Darren is nominated and Harry Shum is SAG Awards ambassador! :happy face

Via Darren Criss Army:

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Via Joey Richter’s Instagram Story, January 24, 2019

(Source: instagram.com)




SAG (Screen Actors Guild) Awards (January 27, 2019)

Congrats to Darren for his SAG Award tonight.  Very happy for him! heart heart heart 


YouTube link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f22Sh3HfH9w

Via Darren Criss  Army:

Aw, Love how supportive Jon Jon has been.  heart
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“YES!!!!! An Emmy, a Golden Globe and now a SAG award!!! Congratulations my brother @darrencriss !!!”

~ Jon Jon Briones via IG



Via d-criss-news:


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Via Eric Podwall’s Instagram Story (January 27th, 2019)

via d-criss-news

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yongchavezLA: Thank you sooo much, @DarrenCriss and Michael, for making sure you got to us.  heart (He had to go through the SAG photo labyrinth to get to us.) #pinoypride




SAG (Screen Actors Guild) Awards (January 27, 2019)

Via Darren Criss Army:

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(Source: twitter.com)

I'm glad that Darren did this for his fellow cast members.  I'm sure they all appreciate this sweet message of thanks from Darren.  And also, I forgot to mention yesterday, that I really thought it was wonderful that Darren thanked all the day actors and guest actors who were a part of ACS Versace, in his speech last night.  Well done, Darren.  Both messages are very classy, very gracious.  

Darren thanking folks involved with ACS Versace after winning the SAG Award, part 1
“ Any @sagaftra actor can attest- it takes a village. I’m so proud to have been part of such a stellar ensemble of performers… Not a single one of which I truly didn’t have a GREAT time with. The cast of @americancrimestoryfx was something truly special. Regardless if I actually had scenes with them or not, these are just SOME of the @sagaftra members that made this such an amazing experience for me, on and off camera. I hope they know that just in saying each of their names, I think fondly on our individual time together and am so grateful for their talent and warmth of spirit.

~ Darren via IG

Darren thanking folks involved with ACS Versace after winning the SAG Award, part 2

“ Any @sagaftra actor can attest- it takes a village. I’m so proud to have been part of such a stellar ensemble of performers… Not a single one of which I truly didn’t have a GREAT time with. The cast of @americancrimestoryfx was something truly special. Regardless if I actually had scenes with them or not, these are just SOME of the @sagaftra members that made this such an amazing experience for me, on and off camera. I hope they know that just in saying each of their names, I think fondly on our individual time together and am so grateful for their talent and warmth of spirit.

~ Darren via IG

Aw, love this genuine, sincere message from Mr. R.P. Murphy.  I'm so happy for Darren that he has Ryan's support, with Ryan being such a talent, such a visionary.  Hope that Darren continues to have opportunities to work with Ryan in the future, and even aside from that, I'm grateful that Ryan shares with the world his projects through which he makes such critical statements about social injustices.
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Darren Criss Army wrote:

Don't Miss These 3 Poignant SAG Awards Speeches
Chadwick Boseman, Sandra Oh and Darren Criss delivered odes to representation and solidarity from the SAG Awards.

Source:  https://www.colorlines.com/articles/dont-miss-these-3-poignant-sag-awards-speeches

Lovely pic with such talented folks (cast of Crazy Rich Asians, Black Panther, Bohemian Rhapsody, and ACS Versace).  heart
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(Source: twitter.com)

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Darren with Harry Shum Jr & Ken Jeong at the SAG Awards.

~ Via Harry’s IG story

So nice to see real friendships built from this project.  :happy face  Edgar is so sweet.
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edgarramirez25 ¡Campeón!• Champion! @sagawards #sagawards #acsversace


Via d-criss-news:

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Source: instagram.com

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jonmchu: Black Panther + Crazy Rich Asians + Bohemian Rhapsody + Versace in ONE EPIC PHOTO

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gemma_chan: Class of 2019. #CrazyRichAsians meets #BlackPanther meets #MikeMyers meets #ACSVersace #SAGAwards

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SAG (Screen Actors Guild) Awards (January 27, 2019)

Via d-criss-news:

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Source: instagram.com

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darrencriss:    Thanks again for inviting me to the party #sagawards, I suppose third time’s the charm. I love getting to celebrate our union and the wonderful work of the @sagaftrafound. Made a lot of fun memories that night, so thanks to @terencepatrick & @gettyentertainment for capturing a bit of it!

Via Darren Criss Army:


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Some of the responses to Ryan’s post about Darren

Via ipwarn (link: http://ipwarn.tumblr.com/post/182360998745 )



685NewYork - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 35 Empty Darren's Awards for his work in ACS Versace Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:43 am



Darren's Awards for his work in ACS Versace

Via Darren Criss Army:

These pics and gifs are just amazing.  Darren sweeping  The Emmys, Golden Globes, Critics' Choice, and SAG (Screen Actors Guild) awards in his category is amazing!
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ashleypweston Emmys. Golden Globes. Critics Choice. SAG Awards. @darrencriss Let's clap CLEAN SWEEP Let's clap  #AWerk #ACSVERSACE #Emmys #GoldenGlobes #CriticsChoiceAwards #SAGAwards

Via d-criss-news:

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Via Ashley Weston’s Instagram Story (January 30th, 2019)

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Darren Criss | clean sweep




Via acsversace-news:

Aw, sweet message from Cody.  I'm so glad that working on this project as part of Ryan's work family has changed his life--glad Cody got his big break on ACS Versace.  heart
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@codyfern:   This is one of my favorite pictures ever taken. I love each and every one of these people deeply and I’m filled with pride and joy every time I look at it. We made a family and that family changed my life. heart

Forbes wrote:
Are Shows About Serial Killers Inherently Offensive?

Jan 31, 2019

Is it appropriate to make a show or film about a serial killer? This has been the topic of hot debate lately, as Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile has come to Sundance, The Ted Bundy Tapes and You have come to Netflix, and FX’s The Assassination of Gianni Versace racks up awards at the various awards shows this season. Some, like Extremely Wicked and You are vilified for their portrayals (You, it should be noted, is the only one of these films that is based on a fictional person), while Gianni Versace is beloved. What makes it okay, and what makes it offensive? Let’s compare two specific series in order to explore that. You and Gianni Versace.

You premiered on Lifetime in September to relatively little acknowledgment. However, when it moved to Netflix in December (Netflix will be making season 2) the show’s popularity exploded. . . Yet, while many fell somewhat in love with Penn Badgley’s (Gossip Girl) portrayal of charming sociopath Ben Goldberg, many also found the show deeply troubling, and not in a good way. The show came under a barrage of criticism for the way it glorifies its serial killer, promoting his view above all others, especially his female victim Beck (Elizabeth Lail).

[ . . . ]

So, if these are all the things that make people angry about You, how is Gianni Versace any different? Its serial killer, Andrew Cunanan (Darren Criss), like You, is the show’s protagonist. We spend most of the series with him, following his arc. And yet, it feels different. For one thing, there’s a distance. Rather than the “in his head” approach You takes, you more feel like you’re watching Cunanan go through this journey, rather than experiencing it directly through his eyes. It helps that the show spends enormous amounts of time with Cunanan’s victims, even when Cunanan isn’t with them. It shows us their pasts, their families, their hopes and dreams, their fears. We honestly come to care about them, and we mourn them when they die.

Gianni Versace also doesn’t glorify its serial killer in any way. While it does make attempts to humanize Cunanan at times, and to try to give an explanation for why he is the way he is, and why he kills all those people, the audience is never meant to fall in love with him, or be charmed by him. Cunanan charms many people in the series into doing what he wants, but to the audience, on the outside looking in, we are never fooled. Cunanan’s lies seem over-the-top and ridiculous. We become used to his charade, and are not taken in by it. The characters, as well, one by one become skeptical of Cunanan’s stories, and attempt to distance themselves from him, with disastrous results.

It’s true. Gianni Versace makes a buck off of the pain and suffering Cunanan caused real people (something You, being fictional, has a pass on). However, it does it in such a nuanced and well done way, that it’s hard to be angry or offended. It never glorifies the killings, the killer, or objectifies the victims and their loved ones. It gives the victims a voice, and never hesitates to condemn their killer. You may be about not real people, and so, one might think, “no harm done,” right? But it goes about it all wrong, and in an era when we need stories that give back power to women who are abused, You takes great pleasure in objectifying, torturing, and killing its female lead. So, you be the judge: which show seems inappropriate, and which elevates its subject matter to the point of praise?
Source:  https://www.forbes.com/sites/lindamaleh/2019/01/31/are-shows-about-serial-killers-inherently-offensive/#15bf65d2793e

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The Assassination of Gianni Versace now available on Netflix UK & Ireland


687NewYork - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 35 Empty Darren's Awards for his work in ACS Versace Sun Feb 03, 2019 11:35 pm



Darren's Awards for his work in ACS Versace

Via Darren Criss Army:

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Darren Criss in the programs for the 2018 Primetime Emmy Awards, 2019 Golden Globe Awards, 2019 Critics’ Choice Awards, & 2019 SAG Awards.




Via Darren Criss Army:

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The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story WINS the Writers Guild Award for Longform - Adapted

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The winners for Excellence in Contemporary TV are Lou Eyrich & Allison Leach, for The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story.




Via acsversace-news:

ACS Versace won a Writers Guild Award, Outstanding Script in Long Form Adapted.  :happy face  See Point 1:46:18.

Tom Rob Smith accepting an award for ACS Versace at the Writers Guild Awards East | 20 February 2019

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NEW YORK, NY - FEBRUARY 17: Tom Rob Smith attends the 71st Annual Writers Guild Awards New York ceremony at Edison Ballroom on February 17, 2019 in New York City.

Ryan Murphy received the Distinguished Collaborator Award.   (He's a trailblazer who fought for representation in Hollywood.)   :happy face
The Hollywood Reporter wrote:
Kate Walsh, Sarah Paulson Pay Tribute to Karl Lagerfeld at the Costume Designers Guild Awards


The fashionable set arrived at the Costume Designer’s Guild Awards on Tuesday. . .

[ . . . ]

On stage with Eyrich to present the award to [Ryan] Murphy, Sarah Paulson . . .

Paulson said of Murphy: “He has made an incalculable number of people feel seen, heard, held and celebrated by reminding us that we are so much more connected than we are divided.”

“The very fact that I have this career is a miracle,” said Murphy. “I was starting out in this business in the late 1990s, and it wasn’t easy for me. I was told not to follow my instinct, to be something else. I was too weird, too unusual. It was painful to be discriminated against and not liked because of what I wanted to do, which was very simply to see myself and my experience in life on television. I never saw a triumphant or, at the very least, a complicated gay character on television or in the movies as a child or a teenager. They were always marginalized, punch lines at best. They were beaten for who they were.”

He continued, “Back in 1999 when I first started, I decided I wanted to create representation and, wouldn’t you know it, my very first network argument was over a costume. Leslie Grossman was playing Mary Cherry and wearing a fur coat as a way to sum up her ambition and dreams. The costume is purely made of character, after all. The network executive responded, ‘Change that, we don’t do that on the WB.’ I asked why and he said, 'because [fur coats are] too gay.’ It was then that I began to clean up and pack my office and perhaps leave the cruel world of show business. But they asked me to please stay. I honestly believe that [it’s because] I didn’t back down from that one fight about vision and style that I’m here today.”
source:  https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/ryan-murphy-kate-walsh-pay-tribute-karl-lagerfeld-at-costume-designers-guild-awards-1188316

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via the CDGA’s Instagram Story | 19 February 2019

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@teribond: Audience enraptured as Ryan Murphy shares about his early years in Hollywood while being honored as Distinguished Collaborator. He pushed through costume designer becoming a producer! @costumeawards @cdglocal892 #CDGA

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BEVERLY HILLS, CA - FEBRUARY 19: Ryan Murphy accepts the Distinguished Collaborator Award from Lou Eyrich and Sarah Paulson onstage during The 21st CDGA (Costume Designers Guild Awards) at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on February 19, 2019 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for CDGA)

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BEVERLY HILLS, CA - FEBRUARY 19: Ryan Murphy recipient of the Distinguished Collaborator Award, poses withBillie Lourd, Sarah Paulson, Leslie Grossman, and Lou Eyrich during The 21st CDGA (Costume Designers Guild Awards) at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on February 19, 2019 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Amy Sussman/Getty Images for CDGA)

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@CostumeAwards: The fabulous Lou Eyrich and Allison Leach strike a pose with their awards after winning Excellence in Contemporary Television for The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story #CDGA #CDG892 : @stefaniekeenan


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