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The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story

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Jeremy wrote:I have used your link but I never reach the page where you can vote...

Did MTV send a tweet to every nominated person ?

Hi Jeremy,

I'm sorry, I forgot to post that voting is only for U.S. residents. sad face

From Darren Criss Army:

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Vote HERE (once per day, US residents only)


And sorry, I'm not sure if MTV sent a tweet to every nominated person.  I haven't had a chance to scan their emails.  I'm guessing they probably have emailed other folks.


Advanced II
Advanced II

It's what I thought. So, I've tried with an American IP adress but it hasn't worked either. 

I see they have sent the same kind of message to someone from Stranger Things.



Yes, I'm sorry, Jeremy, that the voting is restricted to U.S. residents. 

Thanks for the info, Jeremy, about MTV tweeting other folks, like Stranger Things. 

From Darren Criss Army:

This is nice.  :happy face
BBC-UK wrote:
The Assassination of Gianni Versace leads a drama-dominated month for BBC iPlayer


Fans of true crime drama series The Assassination of Gianni Versace - American Crime Story have made the show BBC iPlayer’s most popular programme in March.

The first episode of the hit US drama, starring Penelope Cruz, Ricky Martin and Darren Criss, saw 1.6 million requests to take the top spot in March, in a month that proved a big one for drama.

Source:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2018/iplayer-mar




Critics' Reviews of "The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story"

From acsversace-news:

The Guardian wrote:
On my radar: Matthew Bourne’s cultural highlights

May 6, 2018

4. TV

The Assassination of Gianni Versace (BBC Two)

I’m very interested in storytelling and anything that plays with structure. Rather than building up to it, we actually get the killing of Versace in episode one and then you go back in time. I feel very drawn in by the character of Andrew Cunanan, played by Darren Criss in a real breakthrough performance. You get an insight into the mind of this serial killer and it’s interesting that, even though he goes around killing people, you have a certain sense of sympathy towards him. It’s really well produced and very glamorous. [Executive producer] Ryan Murphy is the king of television at the moment.
Source:  https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2018/may/06/matthew-bourne-cultural-highlights-princess-margaret-assassination-gianni-versace-gene-kelly




From dcriss-archive:

darrencriss: G’Day Sydney! I’m so excited to come to Australia for the first time. Pre-sale begins tomorrow, May 10 at 9am AEST. Sign up to gain access here: http://darrencriss.me/Sydney

via dcriss-archive

TV Tonight wrote:
Darren Criss to visit Australia to promote Versace drama

May 8, 2018

Darren Criss will visit Sydney next week to promote upcoming drama The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story.

The former Glee star plays killer Andrew Cunanan in the Ryan Murphy-anthology drama.

He will also perform a one night only concert at the Eternity Playhouse on Friday May 18.

Best known for playing Blaine Anderson on Twentieth Century Fox Television’s global phenomenon Glee, his previous screen credits also include Girl Most Likely, American Horror Story, Web Therapy and Eastwick. He has starred in numerous Broadway productions, most recently his critically-acclaimed performance asHedwig” in Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Last year he debuted his indie-pop band Computer Games, with the lead single from his EP Lost Boys Life debuting at number two on the Billboard “Hot Singles” charts.

The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story profiles spree-killer Andrew Cunanan (Darren Criss), whose cross-country path of destruction earns him a spot on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List, before his murder of international fashion icon Gianni Versace (Edgar Ramirez) on the steps of Versace’s South Beach residence in 1997. Based on the book Vulgar Favors by Maureen Orth, the series examines how cultural homophobia and prejudice delayed law enforcement’s search for Cunanan, as well as Versace’s relationship with his sister and muse Donatella (Penélope Cruz). The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story is a story of failed ambition and how the pursuit of an “American Dream” ended in murder and suicide.
Source:  https://tvtonight.com.au/2018/05/darren-criss-to-visit-australia-to-promote-versace-drama.html

via acsversace-news

I didn't get a chance to post this earlier.  I see they added Joanna Adler and Finn Wittrock.  :happy face
Gold Derby wrote:
Emmys 2018 exclusive: FX categories for ‘Atlanta,’ ‘Versace,’ ‘The Americans’ and more

May 7, 2018

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In a Gold Derby exclusive, we have learned the category placements of the key Emmy Awards contenders for FX. For this season, the cable network has returning Emmy contenders “Atlanta” (Donald Glover), “The Americans” (Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys) and “Baskets” (Zach Galifianakis), newcomer “Trust” (Donald Sutherland) and limited series “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” (Darren Criss) as part of their 2018 campaign.

Below, the list of FX lead, supporting and guest submissions for their comedy, drama and limited series. More names might be added by the network on the final Emmy ballot. Also note that performers not included on this list may well be submitted by their personal reps.


Limited Series

Movie/Limited Series Actor – Darren Criss
Movie/Limited Series Supporting Actress – Joanna Adler, Penelope Cruz, Judith Light
Movie/Limited Series Supporting Actor – Jon Jon Briones, Cody Fern, Ricky Martin, Edgar Ramirez, Finn Wittrock
Source:  http://www.goldderby.com/article/2018/emmys-2018-fx-categories-atlanta-versace-the-americans-baskets-trust-news/

via acsversace-news

From acsversace-news:

Haven't had a chance to read this yet, but I will.  :happy face  The article is long, so I'm posting an excerpt.  But please go to the site to read the entire interview.    Warning:  Spoilers!  (Note:  I tried to read most of the critics' reviews, and it seemed that the majority of them were positive.)
New Yorker wrote:
How Ryan Murphy Became the Most Powerful Man in TV

May 14, 2018

Ryan Murphy hates the word “camp.” He sees it as a lazy catchall that gets thrown at gay artists in order to marginalize their ambitions, to frame their work as niche. “I don’t think that when John Waters made ‘Female Trouble’ that he was, like, ‘I want to make a camp piece,’ ” Murphy told me last May, as we sat in a production tent in South Beach, Florida, where he was directing the pilot of “American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace,” a nine-episode series for FX. “I think that he was, like, ‘It’s my tone—and my tone is unique.’ ”

Murphy prefers a different label: “baroque.” Between shots, the showrunner—who has overseen a dozen television series in the past two decades—elaborated, with regal authority, on this idea. To Murphy, “camp” describes not irony but something closer to clumsiness, the accident you can’t look away from. People rarely use the term to describe a melodrama made by a straight man; even when “camp” is meant as a compliment, it contains an insult, suggesting a musty smallness. “Baroque” is big. Murphy, referring to TV critics (including me) who have applied “camp” to his work, said, “I will admit that it really used to bug the shit out of me. But it doesn’t anymore.”

[. . .]

The previous day, Murphy had filmed the murder scene. Cunanan was played by Darren Criss, a star of Murphy’s biggest hit, “Glee.” I’d visited the set that day, too, arriving to find ambulances, cops, and paparazzi swarming outside. There was a splash of red on the marble steps. Inside the house, Edgar Ramirez, the Venezuelan actor playing Versace, sat in a shaded courtyard, his hair caked with gun-wound makeup, his face lowered in his hands.

[. . . ]

It was no mystery which character in his current series Murphy most identified with: Gianni Versace himself. Versace was a commercially minded artist whose brash inventions were dismissed by know-nothings as tacky, and whose openness about his sexuality threatened his ascent in a homophobic era. Versace, too, was a baroque maximalist, Murphy told me, who built his reputation through fervid workaholism—an insistence that his vision be seen and understood. “He was punished and he struggled,” Murphy said, then spoke in Versace’s voice: “Why aren’t I loved for my excess? Why don’t they see something valid in that?”

[…] His multitasking benefits greatly from the freedoms of cable and streaming: he has zero nostalgia for the twenty-two-episode network grind of a show like “Glee,” in which “halfway through Episode 15 you had nothing left to say, the actors were sick, the writers were sick, and it was fucking oatmeal until the end.” He favors eight or ten episodes, often with a small writers’ room, as with “Pose.” He writes scripts for some shows, whereas for others he gives notes; on a few projects, like his HBO adaptation of Larry Kramer’s play “The Normal Heart,” he’s very hands-on. “We left blood on the dance floor,” Murphy said, affectionately, of his three-year collaboration with Kramer. “Versace” had one writer, Tom Rob Smith. But Murphy provided close directorial, design, and casting oversight, and he had a strong commitment to the show’s themes, particularly the contrast between Versace and Cunanan, two gay men craving success, but only one willing to work for it.

[…] In the meanwhile, Murphy had scored a ratings bonanza with Fox’s “9-1-1,” a wackadoo procedural featuring stories like one about a baby caught in a plumbing pipe. It was his parting gift to Dana Walden. “Versace” had been, by certain standards, a flop: lower ratings, mixed reviews. Artistically, though, it was one of Murphy’s boldest shows, with a backward chronology and a moving performance by Criss as Cunanan, a panicked dandy hollowed out by self-hatred. After the finale aired, a new set of reviews emerged. Matt Brennan, on Paste, argued that “Versace” had been subjected to “the straight glance”—a critical gaze that skims queer art, denying its depths. “Even critics sympathetic to the series seem as uncomfortable with its central subject as the Miami cops were with those South Beach fags,” Brennan wrote. Murphy was reading a new oral history of Tony Kushner’s “Angels in America,” in which, in one scene, Roy Cohn denies being gay because, he barks, homosexuals lack power: they are “men who know nobody and who nobody knows.” The line echoes one in “Versace.” A homeless junkie dying of aids tells the cops, bitterly, why gay men couldn’t stop talking about the designer: “We all imagined what it would be like to be so rich and so powerful that it doesn’t matter that you’re gay.”
Source:  https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/05/14/how-ryan-murphy-became-the-most-powerful-man-in-tv

bbcpress: #ACSVersace starring @DarrenCriss leads a record-breaking, drama-dominated month for @BBCiPlayer: bbc.in/2FHCLno

via acsversace-news



Advanced II
Advanced II

poppy wrote:Yes, I'm sorry, Jeremy, that the voting is restricted to U.S. residents.

What I meant is that I've used an American IP adress and was supposed to be considered by the website as an US resident. So, the problem may be something else I don't know



Oh, ok, I'm not sure what's happening.  This is the link I use to vote:


After you vote for the first category (I think it was Best Movie), you have to enter your email address.  Then you can proceed to vote in the remainder of the categories. 

I don't know if this helps you (good luck):
dcriss-archive wrote:
For those who are not in the US and want to vote for Darren on the MTV Movie & TV Awards you can use this app VPN Proxy Master - Wifi VPN (ios) or VPN Proxy Master - free unblock & security VPN (android)
Now go and VOTE for Darren

From Darren Criss Army:

JasonBateman - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 25 Tumblr_p8h6husTlh1ubd9qxo2_1280

The ACS Versace DVD included in Fox’s “For Your Consideration”  Emmys submission DVD package.  


JasonBateman - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 25 Tumblr_inline_p8h6dwVuPZ1tz53qh_500

The FYC page on the FX website for ACS Versace.

Link to Source (about the ACS Versace DVD included in Fox’s “For Your Consideration”  Emmys submission DVD package):   http://www.goldderby.com/forum/television/official-emmy-categories-from-networks-and-studios/page/8/#post-1202543759

Link to For Your Consideration page on the FX website for ACS Versace:   http://www.fxnetworks.com/fyc/acs/cast

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JasonBateman - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 25 Tumblr_p8g0mfGiWx1ubd9qxo2_1280

Full list here

Link to Gold Derby for the full list:  http://www.goldderby.com/article/2018/emmys-2018-fx-categories-atlanta-versace-the-americans-baskets-trust-news/



Advanced II
Advanced II

poppy wrote:Oh, ok, I'm not sure what's happening.  This is the link I use to vote:


After you vote for the first category (I think it was Best Movie), you have to enter your email address.  Then you can proceed to vote in the remainder of the categories.  

I don't know if this helps you (good luck):
dcriss-archive wrote:
For those who are not in the US and want to vote for Darren on the MTV Movie & TV Awards you can use this app VPN Proxy Master - Wifi VPN (ios) or VPN Proxy Master - free unblock & security VPN (android)
Now go and VOTE for Darren

Thank you, although VPN is precisely what I use. Anyway, I've finally found where I can vote and I've voted for Darren :happy face



I'm glad you figured it out, Jeremy.  :happy face  It's too bad they make it hard to vote for those outside the U.S.

From dcriss-archive:

Start date for Versace in Australia!  :happy faceJasonBateman - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 25 Tumblr_p8jbubOSEH1wpi2k2o2_r1_1280

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For Your Emmy Consideration Mailer

From Darren Criss Army:

What a sweet message.  heart  (Photo taken at the Met Gala 2018).
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Guilherme Siqueira & Darren Criss

“In case he scares you, that is just proof of how amazingly talented he is! I’ll testify how sweet, funny and kind is mr #darrencriss! Thank you for the support and friendship!!  heart @dolcegabbana #altasartoria #heavenlybodies
Via Guilherme on Instagram

From acsversace-news:

The stuff going on with the bidding war for parts of Fox is confusing to me, but I'm glad that ACS Versace is a bright spot.  :happy face
Deadline wrote:
21st Century Fox Falls Short Of Earnings Expectations, As Broadcast TV Revenue Plummets

May 9, 2018

UPDATED with details from the investor call: 21st Century Fox fell short of Wall Street’s earnings expectations for its third quarter, as broadcast television and film units reported declines from a year ago.

[ . . . ]

Fox’s cable business was a bright spot, with operating income of $1.68 billion for the quarter, up 16% from a year ago. FX network drama The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story and the Donald Glover comedy Atlanta were two shows Murdoch identified as performing well.

“Our cable segment delivered its highest earnings ever in our fiscal third quarter, propelled by sustained double-digit gains in domestic affiliate revenues,” said Executive Chairmen Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch. “Creatively, we are firing on all cylinders. Our stand-out programming continues to drive up the value of our video brands to distributors, as well as build our direct relationship with consumers, as we’re demonstrating with the successful inaugural season of Indian Premiere League on STAR Sports and Hotstar platforms.”

Fox reported its results as news accounts suggest its film and television assets may be the object of a bidding war. The company’s board approved Disney’s $52.4 billion all-stock offer for significant parts of the compan, including its film and television studios, cable channels National Geographic and FX, and its regional sports networks.

Disney chairman Bob Iger expressed confidence that the deal would close in a call yesterday to discuss its financial results with investors. However, Comcast may scramble those plans. The cable operator is making preparations for a hostile bid for the Fox assets and has been lining up finances to make an all-cash offer, sources say.

Comcast is said to be awaiting the outcome of the Justice Department’s antitrust suit seeking to block the proposed merger of AT&T and Time Warner.
Source:  http://deadline.com/2018/05/twenty-first-century-fox-falls-short-of-earnings-expectations-as-broadcast-tv-revenue-plummets-1202386611/




From dcriss-archive:

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JasonBateman - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 25 Tumblr_p8q6nxXEpn1wpi2k2o2_540

Calendar of Events for the 70th Annual Emmy Awards




From Darren Criss Army:

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Tom Rob Smith on Darren Criss, in the new issue of Emmy Magazine.

From dcriss-archive:

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kmannmakeup: Darren Criss & the cast of #americancrimestoryversace on the cover of Emmy Magazine. #darrencriss #grooming by me #styling @ashleypweston

This article give a lot of insight into the casting of Darren as Andrew Cunanan.  I love Tom Rob Smith's quote about Darren, "“I think Darren has a strange mix of charm and vulnerability as well as danger. . . And that, I think, was the key to Cunanan."   (I completely agree with this statement, although I'm guessing some fans will dispute the element of danger that Tom Rob Smith associates with Darren.  I personally feel it's Darren's intensity that causes him to so effectively convey darkness, unpredictability, and dangerousness.)  Also, this article contains more details about the reaction of the network when Ryan Murphy told them he wanted to cast Darren as Andrew Cunanan, in terms of some blank stares that Ryan saw, but that Ryan's commitment and faith in Darren essentially gave the network no choice.  I felt so touched that Ryan put everything on the line, because of his faith in Darren, and how as Darren said, three years after first discussing the project with him, Ryan kept his promise to Darren.   :cry   I had read that Ryan has a lot of loyalty, but this really drove that home.  And lastly, I deeply appreciate Ryan's commitment to casting a Filipino actor in the role of Andrew Cunanan.  heart   Representation matters.   heart heart heart

Emmys wrote:
American Tragedy

May 15, 2018

“One of the great goals in my career is to keep things as versatile as possible and to confuse and to throw people off,” he says. “So, I like it when you have a room full of Sundance people, you know, music folks, music supervisors, filmmakers that are like, ‘Wait, what? He’s a songwriter?’ That really excites me. The same way that, when I was mostly playing music and booked an acting gig, people would be like, ‘What? You’re an actor?’”

Unlike his famous costars, who have toplined studio movies (Ramírez), won an Oscar (Cruz) and enjoyed huge musical success (Martin), Criss has been waiting for his breakout.

Spending time with the San Francisco native, one can easily spot some similarities with Cunanan — a man who, with a slightly different nudge to his trajectory, might have become a brash social-media personality. Criss oozes charm and willingness to entertain. During this interview, he quickly turns the tables and pretends he is the one asking the questions, complete with an exaggerated news-anchor voice.

It’s all part of what Criss brings to the table, according to Murphy, be it for a role or an everyday interaction. “He’s a great performer and kind of a showman,” Murphy says.

Criss, who hasn’t seen the final three episodes at this point, then drops the façade and admits he is nervous about how his performance will be received. The series has just begun airing. Appropriately, Criss is wearing a maroon sweater emblazoned with cheerleaders spelling out the word H-E-L-P. “I just hope to be cool enough to have a movie at Sundance someday,” he says.

Considering that such a prospect seems well within the realm of possibility, it’s unclear if he’s joking or feeling a genuine twinge of career apprehension.

“I think Darren has a strange mix of charm and vulnerability as well as danger,” says Tom Rob Smith, the British novelist who wrote all nine hours of Versace. “And that, I think, was the key to Cunanan.”

In March 2015, the final season of Glee had recently wrapped and Murphy was in preproduction on The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story. But he was already thinking ahead when he ran into Criss on the New Orleans set of Scream Queens. Criss was traveling with Swier, who directs and produces promotional content and campaigns for Fox series, including Murphy's Scream Queens.

Criss, about to star in Hedwig and the Angry Inch on Broadway, was looking to line up his next gig. He pitched himself to Murphy as “a wily bellhop to come in and cause shenanigans around the hotel” for American Horror Story. Murphy interrupted the pitch with a dismissive “No” — but only because he had a better idea.

“He said, ‘We’re doing this anthology, American Crime Story, and we’re thinking about the Andrew Cunanan story. How much do you know about him?’” Criss recalls. “I didn’t know anything.”

He only vaguely remembered Cunanan because they shared a half-Filipino ancestry. But other than that, he could only recall that Cunanan had killed Versace — nothing about the four other victims or the high-profile manhunt or his suicide as the authorities closed in, eight days after his shooting of Versace on the steps of his palatial Miami home. Nevertheless, he felt excited by the prospect of reteaming with Murphy.

“'You’re the one with the keys to this castle, so I’ll wait by the phone until you’re ready to go,’” he told Murphy. “It took three years.”

That’s because a Hurricane Katrina–focused tale was poised to follow O.J. as the second American Crime Story outing. But that series kept hitting script snags and became too sprawling, even for an FX-backed anthology series. “Ultimately, I decided this is not the right way to tell the story. The story is too big,” Murphy says of shelving the Katrina project. “The episodes became so expensive that we could not produce them.”

Just as that decision was being made, Smith delivered three Versace scripts — based on Maureen Orth’s 1999 book, Vulgar Favors: Andrew Cunanan, Gianni Versace and the Largest Failed Manhunt in U.S. History — that blew Murphy away. In many ways, they offered “something that was the opposite of O.J.,” he says.

With Cunanan, he got just that — a killer unknown to the general public until he took down a world-famous fashion designer. By contrast, Simpson was already one of the most recognizable names and faces in the world before he was acquitted of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman in the so-called trial of the century.

Aptly, Cunanan proved to be a Zelig-type character in the southern California gay community. Everyone seemed to have crossed paths with him or knew someone who had.

“I also had a visceral personal connection to that Cunanan story when it was happening,” Murphy says. “I was living in Los Angeles then, and I had friends who knew him. So, there was a personal thing there for me with that story.”

By the end of 2016, FX was thrilled by the scripts coming in, so it committed to shooting Versace in 2017. And Murphy could already count on Criss, who, he says, was “the only person in the world who could play Andrew Cunanan effectively.”

Coincidentally, Criss was once again starring in Hedwig — this time in San Francisco — when he saw an online news story that Versace was a go, instead of Katrina. He texted Murphy immediately to make sure their conversation in New Orleans still held true.

“He was a man of his word,” Criss says. “I ran out of words to express my thanks for his belief in me. If he hadn’t gone through with this, that would’ve been fine — I wouldn’t have held it against him. But he really did what he said he was going to do. And so here we are.”

Murphy didn’t exactly meet resistance when he first floated Criss’s name. But, initially, there were some blank stares. However, the über-producer was emphatic. “If Darren didn’t play this part, then we weren’t going to make it,” he says. “When you lead with that kind of passion to a network or a studio or other producers, they sit up a little straighter, and they’re like, ‘Oh, okay.’”

Coming in, Criss wasn’t a name actor like Oscar winner Cuba Gooding Jr., who’d portrayed Simpson. Playing in Criss’s favor was his ethnicity — half Filipino from his mother’s side (unlike Cunanan, whose father hailed from Manila). Hollywood has taken a PR drubbing for casting white actors and actresses in roles that called for Asians (think Scarlett Johansson in Ghost in the Shell). No one involved with Versace wanted to court the inevitable Care2 petition.

“I thought it was completely necessary [to cast a Filipino actor],” Murphy says
. “I didn’t want to whitewash that part. I had been obsessed with the Cunanan and Versace story for years and years and years. And I remember, when I first cast Darren on Glee back in 2010, just filing it in the back of my head. Like, ‘Well, there’s your Cunanan.’”

More important, he was convinced that Criss could pull off the gravitas of a killer.

“Darren had been typecast before as this good-time Charlie song-and- dance guy,” Murphy adds. “But I always thought, having seen him do Hedwig on Broadway, that there was a darkness in Darren that I knew he was wanting to show. As somebody who supervised the editing of all of the episodes, it was almost always Darren’s first take that we used. He was just plugged into the experience of ‘I’m going to go for it.’”

For the rest of the story, pick up a copy of emmy magazine, on newsstands now, or here .

Please visit the site to read the entire article and to give the article a number of "clicks."  Source:  http://www.emmys.com/news/features/american-tragedy

Deadline wrote:
‘The Assassination Of Gianni Versace’s Darren Criss Searches For Humanity In Killer Andrew Cunanan

JasonBateman - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 25 Aaron_jay_young_0372
Aaron Jay Young

May 16, 2018

Perhaps surprisingly, preparing for the role of notorious real-life Gianni Versace killer Andrew Cunanan in FX’s The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story wasn’t such a terrifying leap for Darren Criss, despite his upbeat musical theater background. Formerly best known for his work on Ryan Murphy’s Glee, Criss embraced this new, dark role, which not only brought him back into the Murphy fold, but gave him the chance to showcase his impressive acting chops.

“Are you kidding me? This is the role of a lifetime,” Criss says of the challenge. “People wait their entire careers for something this juicy to come along. I’m thrilled to be here.”

Criss’s talents are undeniably far-reaching; he sings, dances, composes, writes scripts and plays piano, guitar, harmonica, mandolin and violin. He’s also passionate about literature, and, it seems, something of a poetic romantic, as he recalls Anne Bancroft talking about the sound of her husband Mel Brooks coming home. “I want to get this right,” he says, visibly concentrating. “Bancroft said, ‘I get excited when I hear his key in the door because I think, Oh, now the party’s going to start.’ Can you imagine feeling that way about someone? I even put it in a song I wrote.”

Cunanan was incredibly astute, clever and crafty. A fabulist, he reportedly stayed awake for days, teaching himself about opera and fashion, and building entirely new backstories for himself. He’d tailor himself to what he believed people wanted to hear, and craft wildly intricate lies to order; a methodology which, to some extent, won him popularity. Friends who grew up with Cunanan and attended the Bishop’s School in a tony part of La Jolla reportedly said that he was a likeable character, voted ‘least likely to be forgotten’ by his senior class.

But while Cunanan was obviously an out-of-control sycophant, Criss managed to find a way to relate to him, however distantly. “I’m totally a people pleaser,” he says. “I’m not really sure why. It could be that I’m a baby brother, or perhaps it could be my Catholic upbringing, but I want to make people happy.”

Perhaps this desire partly motivated Criss’s attraction to musical theater. He studied theater, musicology and Italian at the University of Michigan, and even now will occasionally spontaneously break out into song.

Embodying a bon vivant escort-turned homicidal maniac was not as traumatic as it might seem, Criss says. It was really more about finding those aspects of Cunanan’s character that made him more human. “I didn’t feel like I had to go to this extreme dark place to find Andrew, quite the opposite really. It was important to make him empathetic, someone we could all identify with, [because] otherwise it would’ve been a complete disaster.”

Indeed, it is the humanness he brings to the role that makes it such a success. “I am in no way excusing anything that Andrew Cunanan did,” he adds. “His behavior was absolutely repulsive. But if I was going to pull this off, I had to find a way to make him sympathetic or his character wouldn’t have been interesting at all. We all loved O.J. [Simpson] at one point, didn’t we? Even the worst people have their good moments.”

It’s been posited that Cunanan may have had antisocial personality disorder, meaning he had no real control over a total and complete lack of empathy. “He had a lot of pain in his life,” Criss says. “Yes, he was horrible in many ways, but that’s sad.”

After exploring this tragic story, Criss has found some solace in his beloved music once again with a new side venture. He and his fiance Mia Swier recently opened their own club in the heart of Hollywood, a piano bar called Tramp Stamp Granny’s. It’s a place where friends can gather to drink and sing around the piano, in line with the music festival he also co-founded, Elsie Fest, where Broadway and pop stars meet to sing show tunes.

“I wasn’t your typical theater geek but I love everything that comes with that,” he explains. “I like to think that I’m friends with a wider swath of people, and get along with everyone. But yeah, I was known to belt out songs at cast parties and such.”

Criss’s new business was partly motivated by his love of old-style seedy dive bars. His favorite bar in the world is the Claremont Lounge in the basement of an abandoned hotel in the Poncey-Highland neighborhood of Atlanta. As the city’s oldest and longest running strip club, he loves the place for its diversity. “It’s the only place in the world you’ll see a group of frat boys sitting next to your typical hipsters. And then down from them at the other end of the bar will be a group of drunk businessman drinking whatever they can. Every celebrity working in Atlanta has to stop there.”

During Tramp Stamp Granny’s opening week, Criss was seen taking his place behind the piano almost every night. His energy seems boundless, as he never appears to stop moving and working. “Why would I?” he asks. “I don’t have the luxury that some people have, that people are just offering me roles. And actors are only as good as the parts they get, so I can’t wait around. I can create whatever I want whenever. Whether it’s music, or a new show, or a new drink, that’s what I am going to continue to do for as long as I can, and for as often as I can.”

Source:  http://deadline.com/2018/05/the-assassination-of-gianni-versace-darren-criss-interview-news-1202385234/

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[UHQ] ‘The Assassination Of Gianni Versace’s Darren Criss Searches For Humanity In Killer Andrew Cunanan

Experience Nashville wrote:
Q&A with Lea Michele

EN: Ok. So, I am currently ‘marathoning’ The Assassination of Gianni Versace. Are are you a little creeped out with Darren after his performance in the show? Because it was terrifying.

Lea Michele: So, it's really funny. When we first finished Glee, I went off to New Orleans to do Scream Queens he ended up watching me play a psycho killer on that show. Then, Ryan Murphy had him play Andrew Cunanan. So, we both left Glee to play psycho killers, which is hilarious. But Darren was so incredible and you know, what people may not know is that Darren really wanted to play this part -- he approached Ryan (Murphy) about playing it. So not only did he do such an incredible job of playing the role, but he also helped them make this project really happen. I don't know many other people that could've played that character. He was truly incredible. And, if you know Darren, you know he's nothing like that. He's a hippie, laid back. I'm so proud of him. And, if everyone wants to know, yes his body does really look like that. There’s no body double.

EN: Um. Definitely no complaints re: those scenes.

Lea Michele:
 He posted this picture, which I'm sure you have seen, of him in the little like, you know, um, I think it was like orange bikini bottoms he posted on Instagram? But before he posted it, he sent me the photo and he was, “hey, do you think this is like, bad for me to post?” I was like, “why are you sending this to me, I don’t want to see that!” I'm sure that there's a 100 people, a million people that want to see it. But, I was like; "this is really weird for me to say because you're my brother. But you definitely need to post that." He posted it in the world went crazy.

EN: Yeah. The world appreciates your advice in this matter.

Lea Michele:
Yeah, I mean that's the thing about Darren and I. I think in order to do tours together, you have to be friends, and you have to have stories and experiences. You know, Darren and I have spent holidays together with our families. We've done New Year's Eve together. So, those are the things, those are the moments, those are the stories that we want to share and what we want to talk to our fans about. And so I think that these little glimpses into who we are and who we are as friends. It is definitely going to be very unique and very personal.

 As a fan, the music is obviously a huge part of the experience, but what really makes a show stand out to me is the banter and the engagement with the audience between sets.
Source:  http://experiencenash.com/post/451/Q-A-with-Lea-Michele

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Last edited by Poppy on Thu May 17, 2018 12:52 am; edited 1 time in total



From dcriss-archive:

It's tough to have questions from multiple persons/interviewers being shot, rapid fire style, in your direction.  I thought Darren did a good job.  :happy face

via dcriss-archive

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edgarramirez25: Glamming up with the Family for #emmymagazine #acsversace

: [arm emoji]

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televisionacad: American Tragedy, The cross-country murder spree of #AndrewCunanan leading to the 1997 killing of designer #GianniVersace — is “a very American story,” says #RyanMurphy, executive producer–director of the FX anthology series that brought the real-life tale to television. A distorted desire for the good life and the pain of hiding in plain sight are just two of the themes explored by stars #DarrenCriss #EdgarRamírez #PenélopeCruz and #RickyMartin. Written BY #TATIANASIEGEL in the new issue of #emmymagazine #ninajacobson #bradsimpson @mrrpmurphy @darrencriss @edgarramirez25 @ricky_martin@penelopecruzoficial 
Photographed by @robertascroft lead stylist @jolene.nava

#Kindramann grooming for Darren
#AshleyWeston wardrobe for Darren 
#SaschaBreuer grooming for Edgar
#DaniMichelle wardrobe for Edgar
#DouglasVanLaningham wardrobe for Ricky
Ricky hair #joeyNieves
Ricky face #hanicarias 
#CristinaEhrlich wardrobe for Penelope 
#PabloIglesias hair nd makeup Penelope

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Video | Buy Issue

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edgarramirez25: The Family leathering up for #emmymagazine cover #acsversace @americancrimestoryfx

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Foxtel hosts intimate soiree for Assassination Of Gianni Versace star Darren Criss in Sydney

Media Week wrote:
Foxtel hosts intimate soiree for Assassination Of Gianni Versace star Darren Criss in Sydney

May 17, 2018

Foxtel held what it called an intimate cocktail soiree for visiting US actor Darren Criss last night in Sydney. The venue could have not been more appropriate – The Penthouse at The Ivy.

Criss is the star of the forthcoming installment of the American Crime Story franchise, The Assassination of Gianni Versace. The series is an FX original and under the new deal Foxtel has for FX programming, the series will screen on the showcase channel and also be available on demand.

Foxtel had decorated The Ivy Penthouse with a shimmering golden curtain, which provided a glamorous backdrop for photos.

Key invited media mingled with Foxtel executives Stephen Baldwin and Jim Buchanwhile Foxtel’s Jamie Campbell conducted an informal interview with Criss before showing a short highlights reel.

Criss has many fans in Australia from his good work on Glee as Blaine Anderson. Campbell and Criss spoke about how the actor prepared for his role in The Assassination of Gianni Versace, where he plays the murderer Andrew Cunanan.
Source:  https://mediaweek.com.au/qms-lonsdale-billboard-melbourne/

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[HQ] Interview with Darren Criss in the May issue of Deadline’s AwardsLine Magazine (Source) | 14 May 2018

SAG Foundation wrote:
Program Type:



Darren Criss

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

2:00 PM
Check-in begins at: 1:30 PM

Screening followed by a Q&A with Darren Criss.

Moderated by Henry Goldblatt, Entertainment Weekly.


Inspired by actual events, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story is the second installment of FX’s award-winning limited series, American Crime Story.

Ryan Murphy, Nina Jacobson, Brad Simpson, Brad Falchuk, Alexis Martin Woodall, Dan Minahan, Tom Rob Smith, Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski are Executive Producers of The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story. It is written by Tom Rob Smith, and Ryan Murphy directed the premiere episode of the series, which stars Darren Criss, Edgar Ramirez, Penelope Cruz and Ricky Martin.  The series is produced by Fox 21 Television Studios and FX Productions.


Darren Criss stars as Andrew Cunanan in the FX anthology series The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story.

Criss is an Emmy®️ nominated artist with an illustrious career spanning television, film, music and stage.

Criss debuted his indiepop band Computer Games along with his brother Chuck Criss. Their first album, Lost Boys Life EP, which features four songs written by the duo, quickly became a fan favorite and debuted to rave reviews. The lead single “Every Single Night” debuted at #2 on Billboard’s “Hot Singles” chart and landed on various lists including “50 Best Songs of 2017 So Far,” “20 Awesome Pop Songs From 2017’s First Half You Might Have Missed,” “10 Great Pop Songs From March You Might’ve Missed” and deemed one of the best moments at the 2017 MTV Movie & TV Awards. Teen Vogue labeled the album as “an indie gem filled with plenty of 80s pop inspiration and a dash of true DIY sensibility,” while Entertainment Weekly described their sound as “a funky blast to the past in the spirit of some of the grooviest ’80s superstars.”

Last fall, Criss returned to Broadway in his critically-acclaimed performance as “Hedwig” in Hedwig and the Angry Inch, which kicked off the 2014 Tony Award-winning Best Musical Revival’s national tour. The New York Times touted Criss as “mesmerizing” when he first stepped into the title role on Broadway in 2015. Criss made his Broadway debut in January of 2012 as “J. Pierrepont Finch” in How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying. With Criss at the helm, the revival made just under $4 million, which proved to be the most lucrative three weeks of its 11-month run. Criss is also the co-founder of New York City’s first showtunes music festival, Elsie Fest.

Criss is best known for playing “Blaine Anderson” on FOX’s global phenomenon Glee. He received an Emmy nomination in 2015 for Best Original Music and Lyrics for the song “This Time,” which appeared in the episode titled “Dreams Come True.” As a member of the cast, he was also nominated for two Screen Actors Guild®️ Awards. Criss’ previous credits include Girl Most Likely, American Horror Story, Web Therapy and Eastwick.

We will be screening episode 9 - “Alone”

via acsversace-news

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Via MTV’s Instagram Story (May 15th, 2018)


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From dcriss-archive:

Los Angeles Times wrote:
'Game of Thrones,' 'Handmaid's Tale' and 'black-ish' lead our 2018 Emmys buzzmeter

May 17, 2018

It’s the year(s) of Peak TV when there’s so much quality programming on the air that it seems there’s just never enough time to watch everything. All of which makes the Emmys a confusing time for many. How can you know what series might rise above the others come awards time if you haven’t seen them all? That’s exactly why we have a panel of professionals to guide you through it. Here, our Buzzmeter experts tell us what they think will stand out in 14 key Emmy categories come nomination day July 12. Have other suggestions? Let us know in the comments.

Our panelists:

Lorraine Ali/Los Angeles Times; Tom O’Neil/Gold Derby; Matt Roush/TV Guide; Glenn Whipp/The Envelope

Their picks in the key categories:

[. . . ]

Limited series frontrunners: ‘The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story’ | ‘Looming Tower’ | 'Godless’

“Ryan Murphy’s adventurous study of a gay psychopath, told in reverse chronology, was unexpectedly fascinating and unsettling. But in terms of pure entertainment, how I loved the female-driven Western shenanigans of ‘Godless.’” -
Matt Roush

Critics’ Picks

“The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story”
: Glenn, Matt, Lorraine, Tom

“Twin Peaks: The Return”: Glenn, Matt, Tom

“Looming Tower”: Glenn, Matt, Lorraine, Tom

“Howards End”: Glenn, Matt, Tom

“Godless”: Glenn, Matt, Lorraine, Tom

“Genius: Picasso”: Lorraine

”Alias Grace”: Lorraine

”The Terror”: Lorraine

[. . . ]

Limited series actor frontrunners: Kyle MacLachlan, 'Twin Peaks’ | Darren Criss, 'Versace’ | Al Pacino, 'Paterno’ | Michael B. Jordan, 'Fahrenheit 451’

“Traditionally, this category is claimed by big movie stars like Al Pacino, who won twice (2004, 2010), but recent champs have been appealing newcomers like Riz Ahmed and Courtney B. Vance. That’s good news for Darren Criss.” -
Tom O’Neill
Critics’ Picks

Kyle MacLachlan, “Twin Peaks”: Glenn, Matt, Lorraine, Tom

Darren Criss, “Versace”
: Glenn, Matt, Lorraine, Tom

Al Pacino, “Paterno”: Glenn, Matt, Lorraine, Tom

Jeff Daniels, “The Looming Tower”: Glenn, Matt, Tom

Benedict Cumberbatch, “Patrick Melrose”: Glenn, Matt, Lorraine

Michael B. Jordan, “Fahrenheit 451”: Glenn, Matt, Lorraine, Tom

Antonio Banderas, “Genius: Picasso”: Lorraine, Tom
Source:  http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/emmys/la-et-en-2018-emmys-buzzmeter-20180517-htmlstory.html

via acsversace-news

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robertascroft: Inspired by a vintage Versace campaign I photographed the cast of American Crime Story / The Assassination of Gianni Versace. I wanted to shoot them in a way I knew no one else was going to for this show. I wanted edgy rock and roll style. Leather, Jeans , Boots which are all a staple in my own personal wardrobe. I had imagined listening to CBGB’s type music onset but instead I was pleasantly surprised by a singalong by Penelope Cruz and Darren Criss doing “Father Figure” by George Michael… it was inspired and to be honest I wouldn’t have changed that moment for anything. #acs #versace #fx #emmy #penelopecruz #darrencriss #rickymartin #edgarramirez

Darren Criss Talks About Dark, New Role In ‘American Crime Story’



Advanced II
Advanced II

I love the Australian interview. Darren looks really good and the show set is really beautiful. 

Darren sending the "naked" pic to Lea for advice :amused



Jeremy wrote:I love the Australian interview. Darren looks really good and the show set is really beautiful. 

Darren sending the "naked" pic to Lea for advice JasonBateman - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 25 3295213406

I thought he did well in the interview--especially given the challenge of multiple questions being asked by multiple interviewers.  He does look good and the background of the set with the sparkling water does look very lovely. 

Haha.  I thought the same thing.  He sent Lea that pic, just like he would be asking a friend, hey, do you like this shirt or this color?  haha!   We know he's not shy in that way, then.  :big grin



From dcriss-archive:

This is cute.  I like how comfortable everyone is with each other.  ha!  The way Darren has his hand on Edgar's head.  :happy face

sascha_breuer: FUN TIMES ON SET! Tunes, friends & laughter @edgarramirez25 @darrencriss @ricky_martin @penelopecruzoficial during the Cover shoot of Emmy Magazine shot by my talented fried @robertascroft #hair & #malegrooming for Edgar @sascha_breuer #hairbysaschabreuer using @baxterofca @starworksartists & @blossommanagement.gmbh #ACSVersace #edgarramirez #emmymagazine

via dcriss-archive


Preview of Emmy magazine via writesinblue Instagram story | 17 May 2018

via dcriss-archive

Aw, very cute pic.  I want to hear Penelope and Darren duet on "Father Figure."  :happy face
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televisionacad: American Tragedy, The cross-country murder spree of #AndrewCunanan leading to the 1997 killing of designer #GianniVersace — is “a very American story,” says #RyanMurphy, executive producer–director of the FX anthology series that brought the real-life tale to television. A distorted desire for the good life and the pain of hiding in plain sight are just two of the themes explored by stars #DarrenCriss #EdgarRamírez #PenélopeCruz and #RickyMartin. Written BY#TATIANASIEGEL in the new issue of #emmymagazine #ninajacobson #bradsimpson @mrrpmurphy @darrencriss @edgarramirez25 @ricky_martin @penelopecruzoficial Photographed by @robertascroft lead stylist @jolene.nava

#Kindramann grooming for Darren #AshleyWeston wardrobe for Darren #SaschaBreuer grooming for Edgar #DaniMichelle wardrobe for Edgar #DouglasVanLaningham wardrobe for Ricky Ricky hair #joeyNieves Ricky face #hanicarias #CristinaEhrlich wardrobe for Penelope #PabloIglesias hair nd makeup Penelope
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televisionacad: American Tragedy, The cross-country murder spree of #AndrewCunanan leading to the 1997 killing of designer #GianniVersace — is “a very American story,” says #RyanMurphy, executive producer–director of the FX anthology series that brought the real-life tale to television. A distorted desire for the good life and the pain of hiding in plain sight are just two of the themes explored by stars #DarrenCriss #EdgarRamírez #PenélopeCruz and #RickyMartin. Written BY#TATIANASIEGEL in the new issue of #emmymagazine #ninajacobson #bradsimpson @mrrpmurphy @darrencriss @edgarramirez25 @ricky_martin @penelopecruzoficial Photographed by @robertascroft lead stylist @jolene.nava 
#Kindramann grooming for Darren #AshleyWeston wardrobe for Darren #SaschaBreuer grooming for Edgar #DaniMichelle wardrobe for Edgar #DouglasVanLaningham wardrobe for Ricky Ricky hair #joeyNieves Ricky face #hanicarias #CristinaEhrlich wardrobe for Penelope #PabloIglesias hair nd makeup Penelope

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ashleypweston: This. Shoot. Was. Everything. hands in the air CALIENTE So much fun styling @darrencriss and being around @ricky_martin @penelopecruzoficial @edgarramirez25 #AWerk #ACSVersce #DarrenCriss

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carolynjuliet: More fun with man of the hour Darren Criss thanks to @foxtel If you’re looking for a new series to sink your teeth into, The Assassination of Gianni Versace is seriously compelling viewing - I binged all nine episodes in two days, for which Darren both thanked me and apologised to me for! Catch it this Thursday night on @showcase - you won’t regret it! #darrencriss #ryanmurphy #americancrimestory #theassassinationofgianniversace #glee #foxtel #foxtelmagazine #maglyf

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laurachel: Work perks… sitting in a Q&A with @darrencriss

Work that charm, Darren.  :amused
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foxtel: Look who popped in to #Foxtel HQ. Darren Criss posed for photos and spoke about his new series The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, coming Thursday, May 24 on showcase.

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kell.brown: Interviewed the captivating & talented Darren Criss today - can’t wait to share my interview on all things ACS - The Assassination of Gianni Versace. A MUST-SEE new event series coming to @showcaseaustralia May 24! #BingedALL9EpsIn3Days

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Link:  https://www.telltaletv.com/2018/05/vote-for-your-favorites-the-2018-tell-tale-tv-awards-round-two/

From acsversace-news:

Film Trophies wrote:
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Emmy Predictions 2018: Forecasting Nominations for Limited Series, Reality & Variety Categories

May 18, 2018


American Vandal
The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Howards End
Twin Peaks

It’s a tough year to call for limited series, since nothing really took the nation by storm like Big Little Lies or The People v. O.J. Simpson in years past. Even if initial critics were divided on Gianni Versace I think the final product was immensely powerful and will probably be the frontrunner as such. I also expect something as high profile as Twin Peaks to be nominated despite its divisiveness. From there it’s anyone’s guess, so I’m betting on two Netflix series that have earned acclaim, American Vandal and Godless, since they have both done fairly well in precursor awards. I’m guessing Howards End will round out the five, as the TV Academy loves prestigious British dramas, especially those written by legendary writers like Kenneth Lonergan.


Darren Criss – The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Benedict Cumberbatch – Patrick Melrose
Michael B. Jordan – Fahrenheit 451
Kyle MacLachlan – Twin Peaks
Al Pacino – Paterno
Evan Peters – American Horror Story: Cult

Darren Criss should be the runaway frontrunner for his stellar performance as Andrew Cunanan in Gianni Versace, but Kyle MacLachlan will ideally be hot on his trail for playing three different characters in the Twin Peaks revival. Al Pacino will likely get in for yet another HBO TV movie where he plays a controversial public figure, while Benedict Cumberbatch gets in every year for whatever he does, so why not Patrick Melrose, too? After the great year Michael B. Jordan is having I’m guessing he can sneak into this category, even if Fahrenheit 451 doesn’t have the best reviews. For the last slot I’m going with a passion pick, but Evan Peters gave his best performance on American Horror Story yet this past season and I’m going out on a limb and saying the remaining AHS fans in the Academy will push him through.


Jeff Daniels – Godless
Brandon Victor Dixon – Jesus Christ Superstar
Edgar Ramirez – The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Jason Ritter – The Tale
Michael Shannon – Fahrenheit 451
Sam Waterston – Godless

No idea. Seriously, this category is an absolute mess this year and the winner could be anyone. For now I’m going with people associated with what I expect to be the limited series and movies Emmy voters will watch, so Jeff Daniels, Edgar Ramirez, Michael Shannon, and Sam Waterston it is. Tentatively adding in Jason Ritter as well. Then there’s Brandon Victor Dixon, who had extremely strong reviews for Jesus Christ Superstar and could angle himself into becoming the first actor from one of these recent live musicals to get an acting nomination.


Ellen Burstyn – The Tale
Penélope Cruz – The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Laura Dern – Twin Peaks
Nicole Kidman – Top of the Lake: China Girl
Angela Lansbury – Little Women
Judith Light – The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story

Hooray double nomination for Laura Dern! Like with Supporting Actor it’s hard to say exactly who will get in here, so it’s best to go with the seen contenders, like Ellen Burstyn in The Tale, Penélope Cruz and Judith Light in Gianni Versace, and probably Nicole Kidman for Top of the Lake. Then I expect there to be a big narrative for 18x Emmy loser Angela Lansbury to get a nomination that could even propel her to a win.

Source:  https://www.filmtrophies.com/emmy-predictions-2018-forecasting-nominations-for-limited-series-reality-variety-categories/

Warning:  Spoilers!
Miro Magazaine wrote:
The subtle brilliance of American Crime Story’s ‘Versace’ second season

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May 18, 2018

I am a huge fan of producer Ryan Murphy. After his hit shows Nip/Tuck and Glee, I’ve gone on to watch American Horror Story, Scream Queens, Feud and, most recently, American Crime Story – not a spin-off, but more of a cousin to AHS. When the first season of ACS came to BBC2 in 2016, my friends and I watched together in unison and live-texted each other updates. In fact, I’d go as far as to say the debut of American Crime Story was perfect and was, I think, one of the best seasons of television ever seen.

[. . . ]

. . . In fact, I enjoyed the show a whole lot more than I anticipated I would and thought it was a fantastic series as a result of the perspective it took; even Ryan Murphy himself suggests that this season is “the best thing [he] has ever made”. I think that writer Tom Rob Smith did a fantasic job on breaking apart the character of Andrew Cunanan and exploring him from as many angles as possible. By the end of the season, I felt like I knew everything that could possibly be known about Cunanan – maybe even too much – and it was fascinating to see. It’s the kind of character study that you could only possibly explore over the course of 10 hours, something that a limited series really allows Smith and Murphy to do perfectly.

[. . . ]

Marketing campaigns aside though and I do really think that ACS’s sophomore run was fantastic in its own right. As I said previously, what struck me initially as being brilliant was its structure and detail that it was given thanks to head writer Tom Rob Smith. The story really was liberated in regards to time and had no problem in moving backwards and forwards through Cunanan’s timeline to serve different perspectives on the character. Its structure and its writing felt fresh and unique: while season one was pretty linear in how it told the story and was incredibly well written in its own way, Versace managed to be brilliant too and its structure served its story beautifully.

Of course, the show is only as good as it is because of its cast, too, and Darren Criss really knocked it out of the park with his portrayal of Andrew Cunanan. I think it’s hard to see people in different lights when you’re used to seeing them one way and after seeing Criss on Glee for so many years, I really didn’t think I’d be able to shake that off. But I did and Criss was amazing in a performance that surely earns him at least an Emmy nod, if not a win. Yes, the writing did an incredible job at making Andrew layered and extremely complex, but it was Darren’s performance that really brought that to life and made it so endearing. Kudos to him and his work.

Source:  http://www.miromagazine.com/film-tv/american-crime-story-versace/




From dcriss-archive:


American Crime Story’s second season to centre on Gianni Versace’s assassination

The highly anticipated second season of American Crime Story is returning to Foxtel, centring around the murder of legendary fashion designer Gianni Versace. Actor Darren Criss spoke to Sky News about the show and his role as the fame-seeking Andrew Cunanan. | 19 May 2018
via dcriss-archive

The bottom left pic is cute.  :happy face
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realdemeterstamell: Some stills from my interview with the lovely @darrencriss for #TheAssassinationOfGianniVersace. I saw him again later that night & he remembered how to pronounce my name, so he’s pretty much one of my favourite people now. That’s it. That’s all it takes. #DarrenCriss #Sydney #latergram

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aaronjayyoung: DARREN CRISS // photographed in LA. 
Assist - @joshuabae_

Teen Choice nominations are open!

Tweet the following to nominate

#ChoiceDramaTVActor Darren Criss

#ChoiceDramaTVShow @ACSFX

#ChoiceSummerTour Lea Michele & Darren Criss #LMDCTour

The Teen Choice 2018 are on Sunday, August 12 at 8/7c LIVE on FOX! Nominations close this Sunday, May 20 at 9:00 PM PST. | Source




Sorry, I didn't post last night.  I've been overwhelmed with life lately.

(I've been remiss in my Darren-posting duties.  sad face )

From dcriss-archive:

Nice pic, although I prefer smiley Darren but I like serious Darren too.  The Deadline photoshoot.
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aaronjayyoung: DARREN CRISS // photographed in LA. Assist - @joshuabae_

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Via TheWrap’s Instagram Story (May 21st, 2018)

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Via TheWrap’s Instagram Story (May 21st, 2018)

Darren looks adorable.  Cute pic.  :happy face
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jamiemakeup: Mornings with a heavenly crew @kindramannmakeup @lightaaron @sascha_breuer #jamiemakeup

Via TheWrap’s Instagram Story (May 21st, 2018)

via dcriss-archive

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Via TheWrap’s Instagram Story (May 21st, 2018)

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Via Kindra Mann’s Instagram Story (May 21st, 2018)

Edit:  I added some more items.  :happy face

From dcriss-archive:

Emmy Magazine. :happy face
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Issue no. 5 of Emmy magazine via @ItsLily on Twitter (part 2) | 21 May 2018

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Issue no. 5 of Emmy magazine via @ItsLily on Twitter (part 1) | 21 May 2018

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Via Cristina Ehrlich’s Instagram Story (May 21st, 2018)

Deadline photoshoot.
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aaronjayyoung: DARREN CRISS // photographed in LA. 
Assist - @joshuabae_

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The Assassination of Gianni Versace full season screener DVD package | 20 May 2018




Interviews "The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story"

From dcriss-archive:

Darren Criss on brand new series, The Assassination of Gianni Versace from Multi Channel Network on Vimeo.

via dcriss-archive

Gold Derby Interview :happy face (haven't had a chance to watch yet.)  

Darren Criss on mastering the ‘emotional Tetris’ of ‘The Assassination of Gianni Versace’
Darren Criss chats with Gold Derby editor Joyce Eng about mastering the ‘emotional Tetris’ of ‘The Assassination of Gianni Versace.’ He doesn’t want to humblebrag, but he had a very memorable encounter at the Met Gala earlier this month. He was approached by someone who had just seen his performance as serial killer Andrew Cunanan – and who had no idea of his song-and-dance history as Blaine Anderson on “Glee.”

Gold Derby wrote:
Darren Criss on mastering the ‘emotional Tetris’ of ‘The Assassination of Gianni Versace’ [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW]

May 21, 2018

Darren Criss doesn’t want to humblebrag, but he had a very memorable encounter at the Met Gala earlier this month. He was approached by someone who had just seen his performance as serial killer Andrew Cunanan on “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” — and who had no idea of his song-and-dance history as Blaine Anderson on “Glee.”

“He was like, ‘Oh, man, everyone’s gonna think you’re this killer now.’ He didn’t know what I had done before and he didn’t know anything about ‘Glee,’ and I was really thrilled,” Criss tells Gold Derby in an exclusive video interview (watch above). “I was like, ‘This is great.’ If I can keep that up, to me, that would be a huge accomplishment because the goal is to continually keep people on their [toes].”

Criss certainly did just that with his haunting, unnerving turn as Cunanan, who killed four men in a cross-country murder spree before fatally shooting the fashion designer in broad daylight in July 1997. A man of many alias and personas whose true self will forever remain unkowable, Cunanan was a complex role as it is, but it was made even more complicated by the limited series’ storytelling structure, opening with the murder of Versace (Edgar Ramirez) before going backwards in time.

[. . .  ]

The reverse format led to an “inadvertent redemption tale,” Criss believes, for Cunanan. As the show tracks back to his youth, viewers can see the double tragedy of Cunanan at his “best” and where things took an inexorable turn.“

[. . . ]

With “Versace,” Criss is in the running for his first acting Emmy nomination, for Best Limited Series/TV Movie Actor, but he is no Emmy virgin. Three years ago, he was up for Best Music and Lyrics for penning “This Time” from the “Glee” series finale, a nomination he’s “really proud of” because of his songwriting roots. “To be acknowledged for it was really gratifying and really encouraging because it’s something I really like to do and had always wanted to do for ‘Glee,’” he notes. “It was the end of the show and it was a love note to the entire series and to all the people that supported it.”

And for now, he’s not even wrapping his head around possibly contending against the likes of Al Pacino (“Paterno”) and Kyle MacLachlan (“Twin Peaks: The Return”).

“When you think of how long one has to wait and hope for a moment like this — and I don’t mean an awards discussion — I mean, a part that you are so vested in and care about and has weight and colors and a vast spectrum and is part of a socially significant story with actors that you admire — every category is ticked,” he says. “There are so many things about it that makes it really feel like a winning lottery ticket that you already feel like you’ve won everything you could possibly win.”
Please visit the site to give the article a number of "clicks."  Source:  http://www.goldderby.com/article/2018/darren-criss-interview-the-assassination-of-gianni-versace-andrew-cunanan-fx-news/

Darren talking about ACS Versace at the Billboard Music Awards.  See Point 1:30 for the part where he discusses Versace.

Interview while in Australia.

Glee star Darren Criss’ killer new role
Actor Darren Criss opens up about starring in hit show Glee and playing infamous serial killer Andrew Cunanan in new TV series The Assassination of Gianni Versacci: American Crime Story.




From dcriss-archive:

With Henry Goldblatt, Editor in chief of Entertainment Weekly (EW) at the SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild) Foundation screening of ACS Versace:
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Darren Criss attends SAG-AFTRA Foundation Conversations screening of ‘The Assassination Of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story’ at SAG-AFTRA Foundation Screening Room on May 22, 2018 in Los Angeles, California.

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Darren Criss attends SAG-AFTRA Foundation Conversations screening of ‘The Assassination Of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story’ at SAG-AFTRA Foundation Screening Room on May 22, 2018 in Los Angeles, California.

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The Hollywood Reporter wrote:
Feinberg Forecast: T-Minus 3 Weeks Until Emmy Nomination Voting


THR’s awards columnist Scott Feinberg offers his third assessment of the race, covering 18 categories.

The charts below reflect how THR's awards columnist Scott Feinberg believes the Emmy standings would look if voting for the 2018 race ended today. (Work released between June 1, 2017 and May 31, 2018 is eligible.) These projections are formulated using a combination of personal impressions (from sampling many programs), historical considerations (how shows with similar pedigrees have resonated), precursor awards (some groups have historically correlated with the TV Academy more than others) and consultations with industry insiders (including voters, content creators, awards strategists and fellow members of the press).

[. . . ]

Best Actor in a Limited Series or a Television Movie


Darren Criss (The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story)

John Legend (Jesus Christ Superstar)
Jeff Daniels (The Looming Tower) — podcast
Al Pacino (Paterno)
Benedict Cumberbatch (Patrick Melrose) — podcast
Antonio Banderas (Genius: Picasso)


Jack O'Connell (Godless)
Kyle MacLachlan (Twin Peaks)
Michael B. Jordan (Fahrenheit 451) — podcast
Bill Pullman (The Sinner)
Jesse Plemons (Black Mirror: USS Callister) — podcast
Matthew Macfadyen (Howards End)
Evan Peters (American Horror Story: Cult)


Jimmy Tatro (American Vandal)
Taylor Kitsch (Waco)
Michael Kelly (The Long Road Home)
Jared Harris (The Terror)
Will Forte (A Futile and Stupid Gesture)
Michael Shannon (Waco) — podcast
Garrett Hedlund (Mosaic)


Benedict Cumberbatch (The Child in Time) — podcast
Daniel Bruhl (The Alienist)
Kit Harington (Gunpowder)
Kevin Kline (Present Laughter)
Billy Crudup (Gypsy)
Bryan Cranston (Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams)
Source:  https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lists/emmys-2018-feinberg-forecast-1108487/item/best-actor-a-limited-series-a-television-movie-1108507

The Good Day LA interview

Darren Criss talks ‘Assassination of Gianni Versace,’ jokes about Taylor Swift blocking his view

Darren Criss joined us on Good Day LA to discuss his portrayal of Andrew Cunanan in “The Assassination of Gianni Versace,” – and joked about a now viral moment at the Billboard Music Awards in which Taylor Swift was “blocking” his view of Shawn Mendes. | 22 May 2018
via dcriss-archive

The Good Day LA interview
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joshkaplan123: As always, great to have Darren Criss back with us this morning. He’s great as Andrew Cunanan in “The Assassination of GIanni #versace #glee

Good Day LA
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Excerpt from the interview done on the red carpet at the BillBoard Music Awards

Darren Criss Talks ‘American Crime Story’: ‘I Was Really Lucky to Be a Part of It’ (Video)
During his conversation with Billboard’s Keith Caulfield at the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday (May 20), Darren Criss discussed his role in The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story.

Criss, who portrayed serial killer Andrew Cunanan in the FX series, is asked how it feels to have so much positive buzz surrounding his performance.

“I’m just thrilled that people watched it,” he replies. “That somebody watched something you did is big enough. There’s so much content out there, whether you’re listening to music or to watching things on TV or film. There’s just so much that my main point of flattery is like wow, you actually took time to watch me do anything.”

“So in that sense,” he continues, “you already feel like you’ve won a victory of sorts…It’s a really good show and I was really lucky to be a part of it. So if there’s any buzz or recognition then I feel like it’s due to a lot greater minds than my own.”
via dcriss-archive

Australian press.  :happy face  I posted an excerpt, go to the site to read the entire interview.

TV Tonight wrote:
Filming Versace a surreal experience for Darren Criss.

May 23, 2018

“They [Gianni Versace and Andrew Cunanan] were both two brilliantly gifted men who used these gifts for very different things. One ultimately became the destroyer and one was the ultimate creator, and unbeknown to each other how they had an effect on each other’s lives. I really like that juxtaposition of showing how someone so similar can be so different.”
Criss admits to some similarities with the Filipino-American Cunanan, but is thankfully quick to point to where they contrast.

“I’m half-Filipino, and like Andrew I grew up Catholic. I’m an ambitious person. I gravitate towards people with big ideas and concepts. I have a penchant for wanting to leave a good impression, do things with a flourish, embellish things with style, and I have an appreciation for the fine arts.

“So I can definitely relate (to him) but our tactics are insanely different. Our reasons for loving things are different and the ways we can attain these things, and the stakes, are very different.”

When it comes to big ideas in Television there are few who match Ryan Murphy’s sense of theatre. From Nip / Tuck to Glee, American Horror Story, Feud and American Crime Story, his canvas and reinvention are considerable.

American Crime Story is Criss’ third outing with Murphy, whose true talent, he suggests is in spreading himself around.

“He likes latching onto extremes and what is provocative in those world, whether it’s musicals, kitsch, horror or macabre, or courtroom dramas. He can find the extremes of what makes these things interesting within each genre and tries to exploit them,” he continues.

“Everything is at an 11 for him whatever the genre. That’s either a good thing or a bad thing, but it’s always interesting.”

Since being catapulted to stardom in Glee, Criss has won a legion of fans worldwide. Whilst Music Theatre remains pivotal to him artistically, he is also a constant advocate for the LGBT community.

[. . . ]

“Although those characters I’ve inhabited are part of the LGBT community and very different it’s an inherently heroic narrative. It’s a narrative that is identified by its resilience and overcoming a lot of obstacles and coming out the other side with a great deal of positivity. So getting to be any part of that and being a loudspeaker, however small or big, has been a great privilege.”

The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story 
airs 8:30pm Thursday on Showcase.

Source: https://tvtonight.com.au/2018/05/filming-versace-a-surreal-experience-for-darren-criss.html

New interview with Janet Nepales soon. :happy face
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