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The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story

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Via Gleekto (thank you !):

oftaawards.com wrote:
TV: 22nd Annual Television Award Winners

September 30, 2018

The winners for the 22nd Annual OFTA Television Awards have been announced.

[ . . . ]

In the movies and limited series categories, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story was the most honored program with seven awards including Limited Series, Darren Criss as Best Actor, Judith Light as Best Supporting Actress, ensemble, writing, production design, and costume design awards. Twin Peaks was also dominant, taking six awards including directing and five creative categories. USS Callister (Black Mirror) won the Motion Picture award along Non-Series Visual Effects. The Actress award went to Laura Dern for The Tale and Jeff Daniels won in Supporting Actor for Godless.
Source:  http://www.oftaawards.com/tv-22nd-annual-television-award-winners/




From Darren Criss Army:

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The team from The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story in Emmy Magazine (Robert Ascroft)

(Source: m.emmys.com)




Via Gleekto (thank you!):

Some more pics.  :happy face  I'll post a few.  For more pics, go to dc-warehouse.





People's Choice Awards 2018 (November 11, 2018)

I hope we get a pic of Darren and Harry.  Unfortunately, Darren did not win in the catergory he was nominated in ("Drama TV Star of 2018") for his work in ACS Versace.  Congrats to all the winners, including Harry Shum winning as "Male TV Star of 2018" for his work in Shadowhunters:  The Mortal Instruments"!    Note: Bryan Stevenson (see below pic of Darren with Bryan Stevenson") won "People's Champion Award" for his positive activism in combatting racial dsicrimination in the criminal justice system. 

Via Darren Criss Army:





Via Darren Criss Army:

Hunger TV wrote:
Darren Criss on fantasy, fame and the future

Nov 23, 2018

For context, it’s one of those intensely hot end-of-July days that everyone in London is complaining about. . . In his perky twang, he gives me “the shorthand” of this: Elsie Fest to organise for autumn, the New York show-tune themed festival he founded; music to work on for Computer Games, the band he started with his brother; marketing for the new piano bar he and his fiancée, Mia Swier, have opened; projects he can’t talk about but is excited about; a wedding to plan “at some point” next year; work on the house; and that general life admin that creeps up on all of us. “Hey, we all got stuff,” he chimes.

And among all of this, he casually slips in: “I’m also reading scripts and trying to get another acting job if I can get one.” Which can’t help but make me laugh. If he can get one? Because, let’s be honest, regardless of the Emmys outcome (a big congratulations if you bagged it and if not, you were robbed!), his portrayal of Andrew Cunanan, as well as a stellar career to date (he replaced Daniel Radcliffe in How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying on Broadway to great success, is the mind behind A Very Potter Musical and has starred in Hedwig and the Angry Inch), shouldn’t make that too hard. But it’s “cute” – as he would say – to know he doesn’t rest on his laurels.

Darren was terrifying and intriguing in his role as Cunanan, the serial killer who murdered four men before ending his violent spree with fashion designer Gianni Versace in FX’s American Crime Story retelling of the real-life event in Miami in 1997. When it aired earlier this year, I didn’t know anyone who wasn’t watching it. If you weren’t binge-streaming it, you were glued to BBC2 desperate for next week’s instalment to watch the unfolding plot of a story that in many ways is little known, certainly on the Cunanan front.

[ . . . ]

“The story itself, which is endlessly fascinating, is not only interesting but has significant social weight and things to be discussed and topics that I think are important. It goes on and on and on,” he enthuses. “The role is incredibly nuanced and varied and complex, which is something that actors wake up in the morning for.”

[ . . . ]

As a viewer, I couldn’t help but find my feelings and point of view change as the narrative revealed Cunanan’s own backstory. “That, to me, is the most heartening thing; that’s the most encouraging thing you could say – that’s the goal.”

His performance has been described as career-defining but it’s not the first time he’s had such an accolade aimed in his direction. Yet you can’t help but think that this one, Emmy nomination aside, might just be the one to carry a little more weight, such was the grit and darkness that came with it and played out by someone we’re more used to associating with the tween spark of Glee.

It seems, therefore, an apt time to ask what his fantasy role would be. “Oh man. I have a pretty wild imagination but I’d like to think that my brain isn’t good enough to imagine the part I’d want,” he says. “And, also, fantasies evolve throughout your life based on whatever situation you find yourself in.” American Crime Story, certainly, he says is the kind of role he’d been working and waiting his whole life to play – which is not to say he dreamt of being a serial killer! “Let’s keep turning left, turning hard rights and hard lefts as much as possible, as long as the story is good. The name of the game for me is variety and versatility. If every time I do a role we have people say that’s a real departure from the last thing that would be awesome.”

[ . . . ]

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For ACS producer Ryan Murphy, it was Darren who codified in the brain. The Glee co-creator had long had him in mind for the part. “People like Ryan have had their eye on the Cunanan story for a long time and we had worked closely in a few capacities.” Darren just had to play the waiting game. “I honestly said just let me know when you want to do this because obviously it would be a huge opportunity for me and I think it would be an incredible story but I don’t really have the keys for that car, man. You’re the driver, let me know when you want to pick me up!” Three years later and that proverbial beep came.

In real life, Darren has to be one of the most modest and upbeat people, armed with an always-look-on-the-bright-side-of-life attitude. You imagine he’s not all that good at sitting still, hence his potentially self-inflicted to-do list, which you also get the feeling is built from passion not pain. “I just feel so grateful at every turn of my career; if you’re able to do anything and that there’s any definition at all is a huge win so I’ll take it where I can get it,” he says referring to the praise he’s received in playing Cunanan, one he’s also quick to bring back down to earth with a very grounding analogy. “Every moment of your life is defining. The fact that I decided to have granola this morning defines the rest of the way my digestive system works…” he laughs. He has quite the way with words.

This too is helpful in a Hollywood landscape right now that, post-Weinstein and post-Trump, has found itself in troubling times. “What a big, big topic,” he begins. “It’s the Wild West right now, truly, there are so many things that I think it’s not necessarily Hollywood figuring itself out, it’s our whole society figuring it out as represented by Hollywood. It kind of gets the brunt of it because of its exposure and its influence,” he explains. “There are a lot of good things happening in it for people who have been marginalised and we’re setting new standards for ourselves that we should have set a long time ago, and in that sense it’s really good. But there are unfortunately other things that are happening where it’s hard to draw the line of what’s right and wrong and a lot of questions are being asked that we’ve never asked ourselves before about what’s appropriate.”
Source:  https://www.hungertv.com/editorial/darren-criss-on-fantasy-fame-and-the-future/?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1542977853

Decider wrote:
Best TV Shows of 2018

Nov. 26, 2018

5.  'The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story'

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If the first season of American Crime Story took a story we were all intensely familiar with — the O.J. Simpson murder trial — and made us re-think our reactions to it on the basis of race and gender, the second season focused on the story we didn’t necessarily know about: the Versace murder. The season traveled backwards through the life of Andrew Cunanan (a chillingly perfect Darren Criss), showing not only the making of this murderer but also the effects of a homophobic society on keeping his victims silent and his manhunt stymied. — Joe Reid
Source:  https://decider.com/2018/11/26/best-tv-shows-2018/



Advanced II
Advanced II

So, a new acting role is not one of the projects he can't talk about ? scratch



Yeah, what's up with that, Darren?!  Inquiring minds want to know your next acting gig!  Ryan Murphy sent an instagram message--so that's the green light to talk about it with your fans (at least that's how I would interpret it)! :amused



Entertainment Weekly's Entertainers of the Year

Via d-criss-news:

Nice message from Ryan.  heart
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mrrpmurphy: Congrats to Darren who works so hard and stays so humble. I couldn’t be more proud.


via d-criss-news

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[UHQ] How Darren Criss transformed himself in the eyes of viewers — and Emmy voters

via d-criss-news

Via Darren Criss Army:

Love that we have the Asian women cast of Crazy Rich Asians and the African-American women of Black Panther, Cardi B and our hapa, Darren!  heart heart heart
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“And now this! Thank you @entertainmentweekly for always supporting & now including me amongst such illustrious women. I’m not worthy, ladies! Is there a bow down emoji?”

~ Darren via his IG

Darren is one of Entertainment Weekly’s Entertainers Of The Year!!

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Darren Criss, who graces our third cover, didn’t tackle parenthood, but he did have a completely transformational year. After building a name as a song-and-dance man — thanks mostly in part to his time starring on Glee — he caught the attention of prestige TV fans and Emmy voters alike in The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story. His portrayal of killer Andrew Cunanan, under the watchful eye of director Ryan Murphy, spooked even the biggest American Horror Story devotees.

Order the magazine HERE. $4.99 per copy plus $4 shipping. (You can get at least 10 and still pay only the one shipping fee!)


You can order the new issue of @EW with Darren on the cover here.

Cost is $4.99 per copy, and it seems you can order at least 10 for a single shipping fee of $4. 
(Sorry looks like US ONLY!!) 
It will be on newsstands Friday.
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~ Henry Goldblatt, Editor In Chief of EW, via IG

He's looking for a project where he can write music for musical theater again.  (You hear that Lilikoiluv?)  And he's "in a lot of creative purgatory with a lot of different things and it's very exciting"!  Like what things, Darren???  And aw, Ryan's faith in and support of Darren is so heart-warming!
Entertainment Weekly wrote:
How Darren Criss transformed himself in the eyes of viewers — and Emmy voters

November 29, 2018

This was the year Darren Criss went from a teenage dream to an American psycho.

The 31-year-old actor first bounced and snapped his way into our hearts in Glee’s second season as out gay high schooler (and hair-pomade enthusiast) Blaine Anderson, who memorably covered Katy Perry’s ode to young love. Blaine and boyfriend Kurt (Chris Colfer) quickly became pop culture icons to the LGBTQ community.

“The greatest thing about playing Blaine is the fact that this character is so much bigger than myself,” Criss told EW back in 2010 shortly after his debut on the Fox phenom. “What he can stand for and bring to so many people is so much more significant and powerful than me just finally having a steady job.”

Andrew Cunanan, whom Criss played on FX’s The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, exists on the opposite, darker end of the spectrum. While Blaine was fully comfortable being his true self, Cunanan, who in 1997 murdered five people including designer Gianni Versace (Edgar Ramírez), struggled intensely with his own identity and image. Criss gave a transfixing performance, capturing the serial killer’s seductive charisma and calculated cruelty.

“I think my main interest playing someone like Andrew is, as much as we like to distance ourselves from people we put in the ‘horrific’ box, we have so much in common with these people,” says Criss.

Glee co-creator and Versace executive producer Ryan Murphy fought for Criss to play Cunanan.

“I thought there was a great dramatic actor inside there waiting to come out,” Murphy told EW in March. “
He took his responsibilities very seriously, and the best thing I can ever do, having the gig I have, is believing in people and giving them opportunities to shine. I am proud of him and I always knew he could do it.”

Murphy’s instincts and Criss’ talent led to an impressive Emmy haul for Versace this past September with seven wins, including Criss’ for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie.

“It’s one of the greatest acting gigs I’ve had in my career thus far for myriad reasons,” says Criss, who is currently on tour with his former Glee castmate Lea Michele and will costar with Woody Harrelson, Luke Evans, and Mandy Moore in Roland Emmerich’s 2019 historical drama Midway.

“The people involved, the story they’ve talked about, the questions it raised, the complexity of the character — everything that was on the menu was almost unfathomably awesome to me,” Criss says of Versace. “It’s so heartening to know that my pride and excitement and enthusiasm for this project is felt by other people.”

For more on Darren Criss and Entertainment Weekly‘s 2018 Entertainers of the Year, pick up the new issue when it hits stands on Friday, or buy it now. Don’t forget to subscribe for more exclusive interviews and photos, only in EW.

Source:  https://ew.com/tv/2018/11/29/darren-criss-ew-entertainers-of-the-year/?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_content=photo&utm_term=F8CEE4C2-F3F8-11E8-AB6D-73B1923C408C&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=entertainmentweekly_ew

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“Music Tour w/ shows in the U.S., Mexico, Australia & UK. Versace. Emmy. Homework EP. New @weplaycomputers music. @elsiefest year 4. Midway movie. Fashion week in Milan & Paris. Magazine covers & now this. One of EW’s Entertainers of the Year! Gnar. Gnar.”

~ Ricky Rollins via IG

Bonus photos!
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Via GregGarry on IG

Aw, Darren made it on the Cover of Entertainment Weekly both in 2010 and eight years later, 2018!! 
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Darren on the cover of Entertainment Weekly, 2010 & 2018

@DarrenCriss The cover doesn’t really distinguish if I made it to the best or the worst but by golly I MADE ONE OF EM THAT YEAR YESSSSSS #tbt

@DarrenCriss And now this! Thank you @EW for always supporting & now including me amongst such illustrious women. I’m not worthy, ladies! Is there a bow down emoji? A real honor for me all around. Thank you! Bonus TY to the incredible Ruven Afanador for his

Cardi B, Darren Criss & More Hilariously Explain 2018: Mad Libs Style | Entertainment Weekly

YouTube Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npll7YDr0o8


Last edited by Poppy on Sat Dec 01, 2018 12:00 am; edited 6 times in total

629photooftheday - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 32 Empty Satellite Awards Nominations Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:05 pm



Satellite Awards Nominations

Via Darren Criss Army:

Darren Criss, Penelope Cruz, Edgar Ramirez & ACS Versace nominated for Satellite Awards

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And ACS Versace is the recipient of a Special Achievement Award!

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Congratulations to the cast, crew & creative team!

See the full list of nominations HERE

Link:  http://www.pressacademy.com/2018-nominees/

Daily Cal wrote:
The Daily Californian Arts Awards: Television of 2018

November 29, 2018

Best Actor in a Limited Series

Winner: Darren Criss,
“American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace”

Andrew Cunanan was a man of many faces. On the surface, he was a gruesome spree-killer who took five lives, including those of his close friends. Taking a deeper look into his persona, Cunanan was a charismatic speaker and a pathological liar with a knack for manipulating those around him.

It is no surprise then, that watching Darren Criss’s portrayal of Cunanan in “American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace” feels like watching the same actor in a hundred different roles. Criss goes from a remorseless killer to a sweet-talking lover in the blink of an eye, and it’s that sense of emotional whiplash that keeps the audience on their toes — and fearing for their lives. Criss’s Cunanan is like a bomb that could go off at any second, except in this case, the bomb is deftly trying to convince you that everything will be okay.

Even in his calmest moments, Criss can be delightfully eerie, his well spun words sounding too smooth and his voice too light. The show never lets its audience get comfortable enough to fully sympathize with him, keeping with the undercurrent of violence and rage that drives Cunanan to murder.

All in all, Criss represents the many-sided complexities of Andrew Cunanan with an electrifying confidence, and there is no doubt that his role in “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” will be a turning point in his career.

Best Limited Series

Winner: “The Assassination of Gianni Versace”

After the success of its first season, “The People v. O.J. Simpson,” “American Crime Story” returned to the small screen in early 2018 to once again satisfy our true crime cravings, this time stepping out of the courtroom and into the psyche of spree-killer Andrew Cunanan.

The nine-episode season begins with the murder of Gianni Versace in 1997, working its way backward as it mimics the police investigation. Darren Criss is captivating as the series’s charming and unhinged Cunanan, rounded out by two subtler yet equally emotional performances from Edgar Ramírez and Cody Fern as two of Cunanan’s victims.

What makes “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” so intriguing is the show’s range. The series is unapologetically extravagant in its displays of both extreme violence and extreme beauty, and yet, it’s also rooted in moments of reality that can be more frightening than the crimes themselves. Without all the bloody murders, the series becomes a fraught, emotional drama about failed friendships and the downward spiral of a man who can’t ask for help.

Ultimately, carried by its outstanding performances and bold visual choices, “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” is a thrill from start to finish and a must-see for all true crime fans.
Source:  http://www.dailycal.org/2018/11/29/daily-californian-arts-awards-television-2018/


Added this interview that Darren did at the Festival De Television De Monte-Carlo.

Darren CRISS interview - AMERICAN CRIME STORY - FTV2018

(Source: youtube.com)

YouTube Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=M-02K7kbptg




Entertainment Weekly's Entertainers of the Year

Via Darren Criss Army:

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“It’s top hat weather. The #darrencriss outtakes keep coming. Photo #ruvenafanador photo editor #nataliegialluca styling #anniejaggerstylist sets #charlotte_props

Via GregGarry, Photo Editor of Entertainment Weekly

People who aren't you.  :amused

‘American Crime Story’ Star Darren Criss Dishes On 2018, His Biggest Year Yet

(Source: youtube.com)

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Order Darren’s issue of Entertainment Weekly outside the US

INTERNATIONAL FANS: We have good news!! This site carries Entertainment Weekly and delivers worldwide! (You’ll have to check the cost to your location yourself.) 

For now the Nov 30 issue is the current issue, they should have the new one on Dec 5. If you order now you will have to email them to specify the cover you want.

If you order on or after Dec 5, first check this link to see if you can specifically order Darren’s cover.

If not, order the issue (see pic) & email them to specify the cover you want. (We will follow up when the issue is available.)

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via Gleekto (thank you!)

Wow, this is impressive!
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Source 1, 2, 3

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Comments on Darren’s instagram post for EW’s Entertainers Of the Year

via ipwarn (thank you!)

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americancrimestoryfx: Congratulations to @darrencriss for being named one of @entertainmentweekly’s Entertainers of the Year for his unforgettable performance in #ACSVersace.

If you missed it, binge every episode now on FX+.

(via honeysucklepink)


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(via flamingmuse)



Advanced II
Advanced II

EW is one of my information sources about art-related stuff, I'm glad they're paying tribute to Darren. I also love the visuals and Darren's reaction.



Entertainment Weekly's Entertainers of the Year

That's interesting to know, Jeremy, about EW and art.  Yes, so great that they are recognizing Darren.  I love that the rest of the folks on the cover as Entertainers of the Year for 2018 are women and people of color.  The photos are lovely and so great to see Darren's reaction.  :happy face

Via Bellybutton's tumblr (link to her tumblr:  http://belleybuttons.tumblr.com/ ):

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Comments and likes on Darren’s, Ryan’s and Ricky’s posts about Darren’s EW Entertainer of the Year Cover

Some nice gifs via Jenndesq (link to her tumblr:  http://jenndesq.tumblr.com/ ):

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Entertainment Weekly’s 2018 ENTERTAINERS OF THE YEAR: Darren Criss
Source: michonnegrimes


633photooftheday - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 32 Empty Golden Globe Talk Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:28 pm



So tomorrow, January 6, the Golden Globe nominations will be announced.  Many media sites are predicting nominations for ACS Versace, including for Darren in the category of Best TV Movie/Limited ActorYou can watch the nominations on the Website for the Golden Globes, or on their Facebook tomorrow at 8:05 a.m. ET/5:05 a.m. PT.


There are many articles predicting ACS Versace and Darren and other cast members (Penelope, Edgar) will receive Golden Globe nominations.  I'll post a few.  Via acsversace-news:  (link:  https://acsversace-news.tumblr.com/   )

Gold Derby wrote:
Golden Globes predictions by program: ‘Gianni Versace’ and ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ will lead TV nominations with 4 apiece

December 5, 2018

Over 1,000 Gold Derby users have been predicting the Golden Globe nominations for TV, which will be announced on Thursday morning, December 6, and based on their combined forecasts the two top nominees will be the FX limited series “The Assassination of Gianni Versace” and the returning Hulu drama “The Handmaid’s Tale.” Our racetrack odds say they will contend for four awards apiece. Do you agree? Scroll down for our complete predictions by TV program with the projected winners highlighted in gold.

“Versace” is the front-runner to win Best TV Movie/Limited Series and Best TV Movie/Limited Actor for Darren Criss, who won an Emmy for his role as killer Andrew Cunanan back in September. We’re also expecting supporting noms for Edgar Ramirez and Penelope Cruz as Gianni and his sister Donatella. This would follow the similar success of “Versace’s” predecessor in the “American Crime Story” anthology, “The People v. O.J. Simpson,” which won two Globes out of five nominations just two years ago. So it appears that “Crime” will pay again for the Ryan Murphy true crime drama.

[. . . ]

Best TV Movie/Limited Series
Best TV Movie/Limited Actor — Darren Criss
Best TV Supporting Actress — Penelope Cruz
Best TV Supporting Actor — Edgar Ramirez

Source:  https://www.goldderby.com/article/2018/2019-golden-globes-predictions-by-tv-program-news-068495713/

Sorry, I'm having trouble with everything being bolded for this article.  The article also predicts Edgar will be nominated for Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Miniseries or Television Film, and predicts Penelope will be nominated for Best Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Miniseries or Television Film,
Vulture wrote:
Which TV Shows and Movies Will Be Nominated for the 2019 Golden Globes?

Dec. 4, 2018

Best Miniseries or TV Film

As I see it, there are seven top contenders in this category: The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, Escape at Dannemora, Maniac, Sharp Objects, Patrick Melrose, A Very English Scandal, and The Little Drummer Girl. The first four seem like locks, given their quality and the caliber of talent involved. . .

Predicted nominees: The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, Escape at Dannemora, Maniac, A Very English Scandal, Sharp Objects

[ . . . ]

Best Actor in a Miniseries or TV Film

It’s a tight race this year, but it’ll certainly include Emmy winner Darren Criss from The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, Hugh Grant for A Very British Scandal, and Benedict Cumberbatch for his all-in performance of an addict in Patrick Melrose. . .

Predicted nominees: Darren Criss (The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story), Benedict Cumberbatch (Patrick Melrose), Jonah Hill (Maniac), Hugh Grant (A Very British Scandal), Benicio del Toro (Escape at Dannemora)
Source:  https://www.vulture.com/2018/12/golden-globes-2019-predictions-for-nominations-tv-and-film.html?utm_source=undefined&utm_medium=undefined&utm_campaign=feed-part

Vanity Fair wrote:
2019 Golden Globes: Our Nomination Predictions

December 3, 2018


The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Escape at Dannemora
Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert
Patrick Melrose
Sharp Objects

Emmy-sweeping The Assassination of Gianni Versace should also be nominated, and might be the shoo-in to win. But this is a tight category. . .


Darren Criss, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Benedict Cumberbatch, Patrick Melrose
Benicio Del Toro, Escape at Dannemora
Hugh Grant, A Very English Scandal
Richard Madden,

FX’s Fargo usually provides a contender or two for this category, but with Noah Hawley’s star-studded crime anthology out of the running, look for Emmy winner Darren Criss to bring home the statue for FX. There isn’t much threatening him by way of competition, but three Brits might do their damndest. [Hugh Grant, Richard Madden and Benedict Cumberbatch]


Alan Arkin, The Kominsky Method
Ricky Martin, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Tony Shalhoub, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Ben Whishaw, A Very English Scandal
Henry Winkler, Barry

 . . . and honoring Ricky Martin over Edgar Ramirez is just the sort of kooky thing the Globes would do.


Alex Borstein, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Patricia Clarkson, Sharp Objects
Penélope Cruz, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story Thandie Newton, Westworld
Yvonne Strahovski, The Handmaid’s Tale
Source:  https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/12/golden-globes-2019-nomination-predictions

Variety wrote:
Golden Globes 2019 Predictions: What Movies and TV Series Will Score Nominations?

December 3, 2018

As the first awards show of the calendar year, the Golden Globes is often an opportunity to honor a series or star for the first time. The voting committee of the Hollywood Foreign Press Assn. often seems to pride itself on celebrating the unexpected and putting fresh faces on the kudos map.

[ . . . ]


“The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (FX)
It seems like the HFPA always saves a spot for a Ryan Murphy limited series so this Emmy-winning tale of homophobia and violence in the gay community is sure to make the cut.

Darren Criss

“The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story”
Criss captivated audiences with his soulful take on spree killer Andrew Cunanan
as he explored the boy he was and the man he became. He won the Emmy for the role in September, so the HFPA would be remiss not to celebrate him as well.
Source:  https://variety.com/2018/film/news/golden-globes-2019-predictions-1203066397/

Awards Daily wrote:
A Deeper Look at the 2019 Golden Globe Limited Series Categories

December 5, 2018

The soon to be announced nominees will be particularly influential this year in the way that they are able to declare a front runner in next year’s Emmy race. We’re only six months into the Emmy calendar, but there are already enough flashy shows to fill the category. . .  Or will none of it matter in comparison to Ryan Murphy’s recent Emmy champion in The Assassination of Gianni Versace?

Front Runners

The Assassination of Gianni Versace is everything the Hollywood Foreign Press obsesses over compiled into one show. The second season of the Emmy winning Ryan Murphy anthology series is centered around the sensationalized life and death of Gianni Versace, one of the biggest international designers in the world, while simultaneously cast with movie stars and one undeniable pop sensation. The second installment of American Crime Story also stands out for tackling issues like homophobia and mental illness in a thought-provoking manner that interested audiences and critics. On top of being a contender in the limited series race, it has a strong chance of being the most nominated show of the year with endless acting possibilities in Darren Criss, Penelope Cruz, Edgar Ramirez, and Ricky Martin – just to name a few.

Limited Series / TV Movie

Front Runners
American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace

Sharp Objects
The Little Drummer Girl
Escape at Dannemora
A Very English Scandal


Front Runners
Darren Criss, American Crime Story

Benedict Cumberbatch, Patrick Melrose
Jonah Hill, Maniac
Hugh Grant, A Very English Scandal
Benicio del Toro, Escape at Dannemora
Source:  http://www.awardsdaily.com/2018/12/05/2019-golden-globe-limited-series/

Also--here are articles that mentions TV shows and stars of 2018:

Digital Spy wrote:
Digital Spy's 25 best TV shows of 2018: Did your favourite make the cut?


21. The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story

Fueled by a transformative performance from Glee’s Darren Criss, the second season of American Crime Story was an intricate murder mystery tinged with tragedy - dark, complex and powerful.
Source:  https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/g25583/best-tv-shows-2018/?slide=5

Via d-criss-news:
US Magazine wrote:
13 TV Stars Who Wow’d Us in 2018

December 3, 2018

Overall, 2018 was a great year of television. With so many new shows and huge stars, it’s hard to choose a handful of the most talented. However, Us Weekly did just that, gathering 13 stars — both new and returning — that stood out this year.

Darren Criss

The Emmy speaks for itself. Criss took on killer Andrew Cunanan in Ryan Murphy’s The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story without missing a beat. If you still looked at him as Glee’s Blaine Anderson before watching, you all but forgot the Warbler outfit after finishing this installment.
Source:  https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/pictures/13-tv-stars-who-wowd-us-in-2018/

via d-criss-news:
Variety wrote:
From Sarah Paulson to Billy Porter: Creating Ryan Murphy’s Repertory Company

December 4, 2018

Uber-producer Ryan Murphy
 has made small screen stars out of A-listers and fresh faces alike.

Darren Criss

Criss’ role of Blaine Anderson on Murphy’s Fox musical “Glee” catapulted him to stardom among a young audience and gave him the opportunity to expand his songwriting, earning his first Emmy nomination for music and lyrics for the 2015 song “This Time” from the series. He also appeared in a two-episode arc on the fifth season of “American Horror Story,” subtitled “Hotel.” But it was Murphy casting him as Andrew Cunanan in the second installment of his other anthology drama, “American Crime Story,” that shot him to larger industry acclaim and earned him his first acting Emmy nomination — and win. “There wasn’t even a script when I signed on,” Criss says, “but there were too many boxes to be ticked that were interesting [and] the fact that Ryan was a part of it certainly gives it an amount of credibility.”

Source:  https://variety.com/2018/tv/features/ryan-murphy-repertory-players-sarah-paulson-kathy-bates-darren-criss-billy-porter-1203065655/

TV Guide wrote:
These Are the 25 Best Performances on TV in 2018

December 3, 2018

Here are the actors and actresses who made their shows worth watching!

21. Cody Fern, AHS: Apocalypse and ACS: Versace (FX)

Over the course of the past 12 months, Cody Fern went from an unknown actor to one of the most talked-about rising stars. He kicked off the year with a heart-wrenching and scene-stealing performance in American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace as David Madson, a good friend of Andrew Cunanan (Darren Criss) who ultimately became one of his first victims. This performance led to another collaboration with Ryan Murphy, with Fern taking on the role of conflicted (but sexy!) Antichrist Michael Langdon in American Horror Story: Apocalypse. While Fern embodied Michael as the hardened and vindictive spawn of Satan in the post-apocalyptic world, it was the flashbacks to his childhood — where Fern brought to life Michael’s inner conflict between his desire to be good and his unwavering fate to destroy the world — that already has us clamoring for the actor to take his rightful place alongside Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters in future seasons of the horror anthology. –Sadie Gennis

9. Darren Criss, ACS: Versace (FX)

Here’s the thing about Darren Criss: We knew that dude from Glee. Glee! The high school musical where, as Blaine, Criss sang pop songs and did some very fancy prancing. He did some prancing in The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story too, albeit while watching a terrified john, bound in duct tape, beg for his life. In Ryan Murphy’s chilling tale of how gay killer Andrew Cunanan came to rob the world of Gianni Versace’s brilliance, Criss became someone else entirely — no, he became two people: a cunning, dangerously narcissistic grifter, and a drugged-up monster addicted to S&M sex and the thrill of taking life. It’s an astonishing performance, one that literally bared everything. Criss deservedly won the Best Actor in a Limited Series Emmy for his portrayal, but more than anything, Darren Criss erased any preconceived notions about who we thought he was or what he could do. Malcolm Venable
Source:  https://www.tvguide.com/news/2018-best-tv-performances-actors-actresses/

EDIT:  Added this article:

Vulture wrote:

The 10 Best TV Episodes of 2018 From Atlanta and Better Call Saul to Homecoming and Pose.

Dec. 5, 2018

4. The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, “A Random Killing” (FX)

Gay serial killer Andrew Cunanan, played with diamond-eyed avidity by Darren Criss, torments and kills one of his lovers (M*A*S*H’s Mike Farrell), a much older businessman. A merciless depiction of American homophobia and self-loathing in the ’90s, slowly zooming in on the psyches of killer and victim.

“A Random Killing” is available to rent on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play.
Source:  https://www.vulture.com/2018/12/the-10-best-tv-episodes-of-2018.html

The Guardian wrote:
The 50 best TV shows of 2018: 50-11

4 Dec 2018

14. American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace
(FX/BBC Two) One of the performances of the year: against a vividly painted backdrop of US gay culture in the 1990s, Darren Criss seared the screen with a terrifyingly immersive turn as lonely, raging killer Andrew Cunanan

Source:  https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2018/dec/03/the-50-best-tv-shows-of-2018


Last edited by Poppy on Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:40 pm; edited 3 times in total

634photooftheday - The Assassination of Gianni Versace:  American Crime Story - Page 32 Empty American Film Institute Awards Wed Dec 05, 2018 11:41 pm



American Film Institute Awards

Via acsversace-news:

Via d-criss-news:
American Film Institute wrote:
Announcing the AFI AWARDS 2018 Honorees

December 4, 2018

The American Film Institute has named the honorees of AFI AWARDS 2018, celebrating the year’s most outstanding achievements in the art of the moving image — with 10 films and 10 television programs deemed culturally and artistically significant.

[ . . . ]

AFI AWARDS honorees are selected based on works that advance the art of the moving image, enhance the rich cultural heritage of America’s art form, inspire audiences and artists alike and make a mark on American society.



Source:  http://blog.afi.com/announcing-the-afi-awards-2018-honorees/

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Golden Globe Nominations (December 6, 2018)

From Darren Criss Army:

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Golden Globes nominee pages for Darren and #ACSVersace

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(Source: twitter.com)

What wonderful comments from Ryan.  :cry heart

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(Source: instagram.com)

Link:  https://www.instagram.com/p/BrDedOyAANg/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1d15xxh5plu3w

From acsversace-news:

The Wrap wrote:
‘Vice,’ ‘Assassination of Gianni Versace’ Lead 2019 Golden Globes Nominations

December 6, 2018

Adam McKay’s “Vice” and Ryan Murphy’s “American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace” led the nominations for the 76th annual Golden Globes on Thursday

“Vice” scored six nominations, while “Versace” scored four. “The Favourite,” “A Star Is Born” and “Green Book” each scored five nominations in the film categories, while “A Very English Scandal,” “Homecoming,” “The Americans,” “The Keminsky Method,” “The Marvelous Ms. Maisel” and “Sharp Objects” all garnered three.

The 2019 Golden Globe Awards take place Sunday, Jan. 6 starting at 8/7c. Andy Samberg and Sandra Oh will cohost the 76th annual awards show this year.

Source:  https://www.thewrap.com/vice-assassination-gianni-versace-lead-2019-golden-globes-nominations/

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Gold Derby wrote:
Darren Criss could join another ‘youngest ever’ list with a Golden Globe victory for ‘Versace’

December 5, 2018

After becoming the second youngest Best Limited Series/TV Movie Actor Emmy winner in September, Darren Criss could join another youngest list at the Golden Globes. The 31-year-old would be the third youngest champ in the corresponding Globe category if he prevails for “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story.”

Much like the Emmy category, Best Limited Series/TV Movie Actor at the Globes, which was first awarded in 1982, is dominated by older thespians. Only two people have won in their 20s: James Franco, the category’s youngest winner at 23 when he won for “James Dean” in 2002, and Jonathan Rhys Meyers, who was 28 during his victory for “Elvis” in 2006.

Criss would be the 10th person in their 30s to take home the prize and would knock back Anthony Andrews (“Brideshead Revisited”), who turned 35 two and a half weeks before the 1983 ceremony. Tom Hiddleston was also 35 when he won for “The Night Manager” in 2017, but he was a month shy of his 36th birthday. Hiddleston is one of two thirtysomethings who’ve won in the last three years, the other being then-36-year-old Oscar Isaac (“Show Me a Hero”), so this mini trend could be a good sign for Criss.

The actor is currently in first place in our combined odds to win for his performance as serial killer Andrew Cunanan. His unnerving turn has all the makings of being one of those undeniable performances that sweeps the Emmy, Globe and Screen Actors Guild Award. But Criss is not the only thirtysomething in the running. Jonah Hill, who will be 35 by the Jan. 6 ceremony, is in fifth place in our odds, behind Criss, Hugh Grant (“A Very English Scandal”) and Benedict Cumberbatch (“Patrick Melrose”) and Benicio Del Toro (“Escape at Dannemora”).

Source:  https://www.goldderby.com/article/2018/darren-criss-the-assassination-of-gianni-versace-golden-globe-predictions-third-youngest-winner/


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Golden Globe Nominations

From acsversace-news:

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darrencriss: Growing up I always loved watching the @goldenglobes with family and friends, so just to be in the room is a thrill- but to be nominated is just insane. What an honor to be included with such wonderful actors. Wow. Thank you, Hollywood Foreign Press Association. Congrats to @mrrpmurphy & cast and crew of @americancrimestoryfx!

I like that Ryan sent his congrats to each of his cast members and made it very personal.  heart
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mrrpmurphy: Edgar Ramirez walked into my office two years ago and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. He was nervous about playing Gianni Versace…of living up to the legend. But he dove in and tackled the part with so much research and love and kindness and beauty. Edgar has such a wonderful humanity and love of all he brings to every scene, every moment. Today was he nominated for a Golden Globe for playing Gianni and I’m so thrilled and happy and proud of him. Love you Edgar!!!!

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mrrpmurphy: Penelope Cruz is just as wonderful and talented as you think she is. She’s been a friend for years, and I begged her to play Donatella in “The Assassination of Gianni Versace.” Penelope was hesitant, nervous, as anyone would be. But she gave it her all, and prepared for months with such precision and love and respect. When she showed up on set she WAS Donatella. A consummate professional, always giving her all, today she was nominated for a Golden Globe for her stellar work in “Versace” and I couldn’t be more proud of her. Love you, Penelope!!!!

These are nice messages from Edgar and Penelope thanking Ryan for his support, congratulating the other cast members who were nominated, and giving love to Ricky.  Maybe it'll be a good idea for Darren to do something similar? :cheeky
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edgarramirez25: With my IPA in hand I wanna thank the #HFPA for this #GoldenGlobe nomination After a long night of shooting in South Africa, I woke up to this beautiful news. I am so happy and touched to share this honor with my beloved @darrencriss , @penelopecruzoficial and everyone involved in The Assassination Of Gianni Versace - most especially with my brother in arms @rickymartin -. Playing Gianni has been a transforming experience in my life, for which I will always be grateful, and I thank #RyanMurphy (@mrrpmurphy )for the opportunity to embark myself on this journey. I am truly thrilled - Con mi IPA en mano, quiero agradecer a la #HFPA esta nominación al #GoldenGlobe Después de una larga noche de rodaje en Sudáfrica, me desperté con esta hermosa noticia. Estoy muy feliz y conmovido de poder compartir este honor con mis amados #DarrenChris #PenélopeCruz y todos los involucrados en El Asesinato de Gianni Versace, especialmente con mi hermano @rickymartin - . Interpretar a Gianni ha sido una experiencia transformadora que agradeceré toda mi vida, muy especialmente a Ryan Murphy: Gracias por la oportunidad de embarcarme en este viaje. Estoy realmente emocionado.

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penelopecruzoficial: I am so grateful to the HFPA for this nomination and even more excited that Edgar, Darren and the show are being recognized as well. Thank you Ryan, you are the king!!  kiss Big congratulations to my friends @edgarramirez25 @darrencriss @mrrpmurphy and all my love to the one and only @ricky_martin and to the entire cast and crew of the show. heart

penelopecruzoficial: Ha sido una semana llena de alegrias. Comenzó con las nominaciones a los Premios Forqué y a los Premios Feroz por la película “Todos lo saben” de Asghar Farhadi y siguió hoy con la noticia de la nominación a los Globos de Oro por interpretar a Donatella Versace ,a quien admiro tanto. Me siento muy afortunada por haber tenido la posibilidad de realizar ambos trabajos. Agradezco de corazón a los Forqué, los Feroz y la HFPA (Asociación de prensa extranjera de Hollywood) estas nominaciones. La ilusión es aún mayor cuando se reconoce además el trabajo de muchos de mis compañeros. Muchísimas gracias. heart

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via FX Networks’ Instagram Story | 6 December 2018

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Comments by the ACS Versace cast and crew on Darren’s Golden Globes IG  post | 6 December 2018

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It's nice that Jon Jon is also congratulating his fellow cast member on AHS, Billy Porter, for Billy's role on Pose!  I very much enjoyed Season 1 of Pose.
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jonjonbriones: Four @goldenglobes nominations for @americancrimestoryfx Assassination of Gianni Versace!!!

Congratulations @mrrpmurphy @darrencriss @penelopecruzoficial @edgarramirez25

So proud to be part of this amazing show!!!

And congratulations to my fellow #Warlock @theebillyporter for your nomination!!! @poseonfx

It’s a great day!!!


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maureen_orth: Now a Golden Globes nominee! Tbt. So excited for Darren Criss for best actor in #ACSVersace The Assassination of Gianni Versace based on my book #vulgarfavors. Also nominated for best limited series and best supporting actors, congrats to wonderful Edgar Ramirez and Penelope Cruz. #edgarramirez25 , #penelopecruzoficial #darrencriss Let's clap Let's clap Let's clap 


OUT wrote:
The Queer Guide to the Golden Globes, from Pose to Troye Sivan

December 06, 2018

Darren Criss, Best Actor in a Limited Series

The Glee alumnus has officially shed his high school teeny bopper persona and is now a bonafide actor. As Andrew Cunanan, the killer of Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace in Ryan Murphy’s The Assassination of Gianni Versace, he delivered a stunning performance some weren’t sure he could pull off. He won the Emmy for this same award earlier this year.

Source:  https://www.out.com/entertainment/2018/12/06/queer-guide-golden-globes-pose-troye-sivan?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=entertainment

Note:  The Writers Guild nominations also were announced today.  :happy face

Writers Guild of America wrote:
2019 Writers Guild Awards: Nominations for Television, New Media, News, Radio/Audio, and Promotional Writing

December 6, 2018


The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, Writers: Maggie Cohn, Tom Rob Smith, Based on the book Vulgar Favors by Maureen Orth; FX Networks

The Looming Tower, Writers: Bash Doran, Dan Futterman, Alex Gibney, Shannon Houston, Adam Rapp, Ali Selim, Lawrence Wright, Based on the book The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright; Hulu

Maniac, Writers: Nick Cuse, Cary Joji Fukunaga, Amelia Gray, Danielle Henderson, Mauricio Katz, Patrick Somerville, Caroline Williams, Based on the Norwegian television series Maniac by Espen PA Lervaag, Håakon Bast Mossige, Kjetil Indregard and Ole Marius Araldsen; Netflix

Sharp Objects, Writers: Ariella Blejer, Scott Brown, Vince Calandra, Gillian Flynn, Dawn Kamoche, Alex Metcalf, Marti Noxon, Based upon the book written by Gillian Flynn; HBO
Source:  https://www.wgaeast.org/2019-writers-guild-awards-nominations-for-television-new-media-news-radio-audio-and-promotional-writing/

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From Darren Criss Army:

Aw, nice message from Michael Feinstein heart
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(Source: instagram.com)

More nice messages.  So nice that Rufus Wainwright also commented.  heart

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(Source: instagram.com)

More congrats from some Glee folks--Harry, Max,  Heather Morris--mixed in with ACS Versace folks and other friends.  I saw Tyler Oakley's congrats too.

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Replies to Darren’s Golden Globes nomination post on Instagram



A few more articles:

Via acsversace-news:

Backstage wrote:
For Your Viewing Pleasure: 2018’s Mini-Series + TV Movie Awards Contenders

December 6, 2018

There is no shortage of prestige on the small screen these days, particularly when it comes to the increasingly competitive limited series and TV movie awards categories. Many, if not most, of the performances highlighted below represent the actor’s best potential. Here are some 2018 SAG Award contenders that belong on your radar.

[ . . .]


Penélope Cruz, “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story”

Entrances don’t get more fabulous than the one Cruz’s Donatella Versace makes in this show’s first episode. Clad in black, emerging from a private jet, and projecting an icy grimness that feels distinctly Italian, the legendary designer strolls into the aftermath of her brother’s assassination and Cruz proceeds to steal the show. The actor proved again why she’s a legend on camera—is it too much to hope she comes back to TV?

[ . . . ]

Judith Light, “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story”

If anyone can lend a close-up and simple line a seismic weight, it’s Light. “I knew it,” she whispers as cosmetics spokeswoman and entrepreneur Marilyn Miglin reacting to the horrific reality of her husband’s murder. Her mascara trembles with tears, her throat constricts, a world of grief settles on her shoulders. Few actors alive can use their face and voice as skillfully as this legend.


Darren Criss, “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story”

Together with creator Ryan Murphy, the Emmy-winning Criss created one of the most complex, compelling gay characters ever on TV in the second outing of “American Crime Story.”
The season zeroed in not on Versace, but on his killer, Andrew Cunanan: a sociopathic monster, yes, but one born of an internalized homophobia that we, as an audience watching his intricate devolution, are tempted to blame on the world around him.
Source:  https://www.backstage.com/magazine/article/mini-series-tv-movie-awards-sag-contenders-66247/

Entertainment Weekly wrote:
The best (and worst) TV shows of 2018

December 6, 2018

1. The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story(FX)

The second installment of Ryan Murphy’s American Crime Story lured us in with the promise of a lavish retelling of fashion designer Gianni Versace’s headline-grabbing murder, featuring Ricky Martin in tennis whites as Versace’s life partner, Antonio, and Oscar winner Penélope Cruz in a Barbie blond wig as his steely sister/business partner, Donatella. But in a beautiful bait and switch, the show took the story of Versace (brought to life with stunning precision by Edgar Ramírez) and expanded it into a contemplative eulogy for Andrew Cunanan’s previous victims, including a promising young gay architect (Cody Fern) and a closeted naval officer (Finn Wittrock). Anchored by Darren Criss’ wondrous, quicksilver performance as Cunanan, Crime Story turned the clear gaze of hindsight on an era when America tried to “don’t ask, don’t tell” its homosexual citizens into invisibility.
Source:  https://ew.com/tv/best-and-worst-tv-shows-2018/?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_term=75D9B65C-F95F-11E8-88C7-27894744363C&utm_content=link&utm_campaign=entertainmentweekly_ew&utm_medium=social

From Darren Criss Army:

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Another EW cover for Darren!

(Source: share.ew.com)




Just wanted to mention  a few other folks who congratulated Darren for his Golden Globe nomination via social media:

Via ipwarn (thank you!)(link to her tumblr: http://ipwarn.tumblr.com/ ):

Love that Max posted 2 or 3 comments to Darren yesterday.  Would love to see those 2 on a project one day.  Max is such a good guy. 

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Comments on Ryan Murphy’s instagram post for his Golden Globe nomination (December 6th, 2018)

(Source: instagram.com, via theshriek)

And this is a nice surprise.  I wonder how they met?  Through Michael Feinstein??

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(via na-page)

This is super sweet of Harry.  Happy for Constance, Darren and Sandra Oh for their nominations.  And so great that Sandra and Andy Samberg are hosting.  Representation matters! 

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(Source: instagram.com, via miarren-chill-klaine-coliver)

And of course sweet Ashley.  :happy face

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(via jaded-idealism)

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(via miarren-chill-klaine-coliver)

Also, I saw Hailee Steinfeld's congrats to Darren.  :happy face

And this makes me happy-that Pose was nominated, as well as Billy Porter for Golden Globes!  Representation.

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Pose has been nominated for Best TV Drama Series for the Golden Globes!! And Billy Porter has been nominated for Best Actor in a TV Drama Series!
(Source: hollywoodreporter.com, via slayediest)

I thought this article was interesting.  I do hope FX is going to be ok under Disney.
Deadline wrote:
Golden Globes TV: FX Lands Most Nominations In Tight Network Race, Prime Video Leads Streamers

December 6, 2018

FX is closing its chapter as a 21st Century Fox network on a high note, edging awards juggernauts HBO and Netflix to top the list of networks for the first time with most Golden Globes nominations, 10. It was a very tight race, reflecting the increased competition, with HBO and Amazon’s Prime Video tied for second with 9 noms a piece and Netflix right behind in fourth with 8, followed by Showtime (6).

[ . . . ]

The top finish today does mark an end of an era for FX in other ways too. Three of the 10 nominations came for the basic cable network’s acclaimed drama series The Americans, the most nominated program this year, which ended its run. Four were for The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, from Ryan Murphy who recently left his longtime Fox TV studio home to head to Netflix and has been busy working on his first two series there. There is no new installment greenlighted of Murphy’s ACS or Feud, which have boosted FX’s Golden Globes nominations tallies the last couple of years.

FX, which will be joining Disney in the coming months as part of a $71.3 billion deal, has been planning for a future where it relies less heavily on its MVP Murphy, who has four active franchises on the network, the long-running American Horror Story, fellow anthologies American Crime Story and Feud as well as drama series Pose, which has been renewed for a second season. Pose, featuring the largest cast of transgender actors ever for a scripted series,.made an encouraging entry into the awards circles this morning with two noms, including best drama series.
Source:  https://deadline.com/2018/12/golden-globes-tv-fx-most-nominations-network-prime-video-streamers-hbo-netflix-1202515092/


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Critics' Choice Award nominations

Via acsversace-news:

Congrats to Ryan, Darren, Finn, Penelope and Judith and the cast and crew of ACS Versace for their Critics Choice Award nominations!

Variety wrote:
‘Americans,’ ‘Gianni Versace,’ ‘Escape at Dannemora’ Lead Critics’ Choice Awards TV Nominations

December 10, 2018

FX’s “The Americans” and “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story,” along with Showtime’s “Escape at Dannemora,” led the Broadcast Television Journalists Assn.’s nominations for the 24th annual Critics’ Choice Awards, it was revealed Monday.

[ . . . ]

“A Very English Scandal” (Amazon)
“American Vandal” (Netflix)
“The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (FX)
“Escape at Dannemora” (Showtime)
“Genius: Picasso” (National Geographic)
“Sharp Objects” (HBO)

Antonio Banderas – “Genius: Picasso” (National Geographic)
Darren Criss – “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (FX)
Paul Dano – “Escape at Dannemora” (Showtime)
Benicio Del Toro – “Escape at Dannemora” (Showtime)
Hugh Grant – “A Very English Scandal” (Amazon)
John Legend – “Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert” (NBC)

Brandon Victor Dixon – “Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert” (NBC)
Eric Lange – “Escape at Dannemora” (Showtime)
Alex Rich – “Genius: Picasso” (National Geographic)
Peter Sarsgaard – “The Looming Tower” (Hulu)
Finn Wittrock – “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (FX)
Ben Whishaw – “A Very English Scandal” (Amazon)

Ellen Burstyn – “The Tale” (HBO)
Patricia Clarkson – “Sharp Objects” (HBO)
Penelope Cruz – “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (FX)
Julia Garner – “Dirty John” (Bravo)
Judith Light – “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (FX)
Elizabeth Perkins – “Sharp Objects” (HBO)
Source:  https://variety.com/2018/tv/awards/2018-critics-choice-awards-tv-nominations-list-1203085450/

TV Line wrote:
Performer of the Year: The 20 Finalists

December 10, 2018

Throughout the last 12 months, TVLine’s Performer of the Week column has honored dozens of thespians for their fine work in dramas and comedies alike.
But who will be named the Performer of the Year?

Continuing a new tradition that we kicked off in 2017, our roundup of the year’s most captivating actors and actresses will double as a “ballot” of sorts. In the attached gallery, we’ve whittled down the embarrassment of TV riches that was 2018 into 20 nominations, all of whom wowed us with their transcendent performances.

On Thursday, Dec. 20, we will crown one of the standouts (and only one) our 2018 Performer of the Year (succeeding last year’s victor, The Leftovers‘ Carrie Coon).


Before The Assassination of Gianni Versace reached its first commercial break, Darren Criss’ haunting portrayal of serial killer Andrew Cunanan had wiped all traces of Blaine Anderson from our minds. But beyond shattering his Glee-ky clean image, Criss’ Emmy-winning performance showcased an impressive versatility, resulting in an uncomfortably unforgettable character as chilling as he was charming.
Source:  https://tvline.com/2018/12/10/performer-of-the-year-2018-nominees-finalists/

via d-criss-news

AV Club wrote:
The Best TV of 2018

14. The Assassination Of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story (FX)

The first season of American Crime Story established an anthology series template: The People V. O.J. Simpson explored not the crime itself, but the circus that formed around it. The Assassination Of Gianni Versace takes a decidedly thornier and less spectacular approach to the same thematic material. Rather than indicting society by focusing on society, the series delves into the lives of the individual, often marginal people who were part of the lead-up to Versace’s murder—the Versace family, the gay men of Miami Beach, and, above all, the other victims of serial killer Andrew Cunanan. Darren Criss’ mesmerizing performance as Cunanan anchors the show, deconstructing the trope of the slick, charismatic gay serial killer and giving executive producer Ryan Murphy and writer Tom Rob Smith the room to use a reverse-chronological structure and lush visual storytelling to examine a plethora of under-considered, oft-ignored lives. In a roundabout, painful way, The Assassination Of Gianni Versace asks why nobody—not the media, not the police, sometimes not even their own families—cared that these people were gone. Much has changed in the years since Cunanan’s murders, but it’s hard to shake the central conviction of the series: We still haven’t. [Eric Thurm]
Source:  https://tv.avclub.com/the-best-tv-of-2018-1830885588

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ACS Versace featured in Entertainment Weekly’s December 14, 2018 Issue (source)


Last edited by Poppy on Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:52 pm; edited 1 time in total



Via Darren Criss Army:

@cheddar Emmy award-winning actor @DarrenCriss is taking Hollywood by storm. He joins us on #CheddarLIVE to chat about ‘The Assassination of Gianni Versace,’ being named one of @EW’s 'Entertainers of the Year,’ & his recent Golden Globe nomination with our @BakerMachado.

via Darren Criss Army

Full video is here (sorry, I am unable to copy the video, Darren at 1:10:00. ):   https://cheddar.com/videos/between-bells-december-11-2018

Via acsversace-news:


Darren Criss on New York Live (12-11-18)


Last edited by Poppy on Fri Dec 14, 2018 12:10 am; edited 1 time in total

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